Grundig Majestic 4095USA, Repair Report

ID: 113639
Grundig Majestic 4095USA, Repair Report 
01.Jun.06 01:12

Georg Richter (D)
Articles: 916
Count of Thanks: 60
Georg Richter

( Posted with kind permission of Jeff S., Boulder, Colorado, USA.
  Thank you very much, Jeff. )

I just completed my first table radio restoration and I'm psyched at how good this 50 year old is working!

Exterior was in pretty good shape, but some veneer needed to be reglued and the shellac(?) was looking a bit tired, so I lightly sanded the cabinet with #600 sandpaper and applied a light coat of linseed oil.

Set has been slightly modified to accept a new Russian magic eye:

Interior after restoration:

Underside showing new Orange Drops:

Multisection capacitor is actually just the shell of the old capacitor fitted over a new F&T chassis mount part from

Had to enlarge the existing hole about 3mm to accomodate the stud-mounted part. Big black caps to the lower left are 4 uf and 10 uf Solen polypropylenes.

Just two electrolytic caps left in this radio!

Just some of the parts I replaced; all but one of the vacuum tubes
tested bad; fortunately I had purchased a full set of tubes from Jan

Original AEG selenium rectifier can restuffed with silicon rectifiers +
snubber capacitors:

I briefly thought about using all German-made caps and resistors, but
quickly decided those weren't likely to look any more "vintage" than the orange drops. Nevertheless, there's the new F&T can, plus a few
Roederstein and Electrica parts in there.

By the way, what kind of wood is this made of?

( If you have the answer please email the underassistant auxiliary poster
of Jeffs report )

Jeff in Colorado

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03.Jun.06 10:02

Omer Suleimanagich (USA)
Articles: 431
Count of Thanks: 38
Omer Suleimanagich


Everything is self explanatory in this picture by picture pictorial!

Again, thank you

P. S. Is Jeff a member of RMorg?

To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.

Footnote regarding 'Jeff S' 
03.Jun.06 14:42

Georg Richter (D)
Articles: 916
Count of Thanks: 56
Georg Richter

Jeff wrote me

> I use "Jeff S" on websites, newsgroups and other
> public areas. I enjoy my privacy, that's all.

so I accept this as a matter of course.

All the credit is due to him, as I wrote to be only the

> ... underassistant auxiliary poster

Jeff S. is no member at RMorg, if somebody wants to contact
him please email me.

Kind Regards,

To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.

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