grundig: my grundig satellit transistor 5000 sensitivity is poor

ID: 255181
grundig: my grundig satellit transistor 5000 sensitivity is poor 
28.May.11 11:25

Chou Chiang-ping (TW)
Count of Thanks: 15

my grundig satellit 5000 radio sensitivity is poor

finally i find c501 15nf is shorted,cause the af126i transistor base bias is too low

change capacitor then work normal


i have a question ?

why this radio volume is on min  position but the audio hiss noise is a little high? 

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Post linked to wrong model / audio hiss noise  
30.May.11 19:56
95 from 4501

Marc Gianella (CH)
Articles: 302
Count of Thanks: 15

Dear Mr. Chiang-ping

Your post ist obviously linked to a wrong model (Grundig Musikgeraet 2550 ID=26074 instead of Grundig Satellit Transistor 5000 ID=71126)
Please ask the Moderator to move this thread to the right model.

Concerning your question, I would suggest to have a look at the AF stages. I had a similar problem with a Grundig RTV900a. One of the audio channels had a disturbing hiss which could not be controlled by the volume. All Tensions in the circuitry were ok. After changing the AF pre-stage, the hiss had gone.

Kind regards

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Discussion has been moved to the right model 
31.Jan.12 21:52
413 from 4501

Vincent de Franco (D)
Articles: 187
Count of Thanks: 20
Vincent de Franco

The discussion has been moved to the right GRUNDIG Model...

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