FM condenser won't turn & broken BC dial cord

ID: 122347
FM condenser won't turn & broken BC dial cord 
28.Sep.06 21:13

Philip Navarrete (USA)
Articles: 13
Count of Thanks: 6

My Grundig Majestic 7035USA  radio  has two ganged tuning condensers, (capacitors) BC and FM . They are turned by the same tuning front panel knob via an intricate but individual dial cord configuration and what looks like a flywheel. The BC condenser turns freely with the front panel tuning knob but the FM condenser does not turn. Its dial cord slips.  In the pictures the FM condenser is .hidden under the tube and behind the wheel. Now I went and broke the BC dial cord. So I need the BC dial cord rewinding diagram and new BC dial cord and help in rewinding it. Upon more investigation on the slipping tuning FM condenser. I took the front glass plate off.  The fly wheel, which is turned by the front tuning knob, when it turns does not turn a disc that holds the FM dial cord on its shaft. In between the fly wheel and the disc is a kind of material. So what you have is the fly wheel then the material and then the disc. If I squeeze the three and turn the fly wheel the FM condenser turns. So for those who know this radio what's the trouble. Is that material worn? Are the springs worn? What do I have to do? Don't forget I need the BC dial cord also and arrangement diagram.

Philip Navarrete


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