Heathkit SB102

ID: 111513
Heathkit SB102 
05.May.06 14:00

Mietek Jozwik (PL)
Articles: 14
Count of Thanks: 27

I am looking for any experience in replacing original transmiter output tubes 6146 by the other tube model.

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05.May.06 14:35

Michael Schlör † 30.10.22 (D)
Articles: 82
Count of Thanks: 14
Michael Schlör † 30.10.22

Hello Mietek,

over the decades I used several pairs of the 6146 family, such as 6146A, 6146B and the rugged 6146W. You only have to re-neutralize the PA. Don't mix different tube models, always use a pair of the same tube type. Depending your power-supply, I would prefer the -B or -W tubes. Those can work better with Ua over 850V DC. There is a difference in Plate Dissipation: the 6146, 6146A and 6146W 25W, the 6146B 35W
Michael Schlör

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08.May.06 10:42

Mietek Jozwik (PL)
Articles: 14
Count of Thanks: 18

Hi, thanks for answer.
The problem with that tube is they are practically not available in Poland. So I am looking for replacemnt. Some TV's sweep tubes looks similar in catalogs but dummy replacement can fire out nice old piece of equipment.
Vy, 73

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08.May.06 16:05

Michael Schlör † 30.10.22 (D)
Articles: 82
Count of Thanks: 21
Michael Schlör † 30.10.22

Hello again,

DO NOT use any TV sweep tubes!! This will damage your SB102!! If they look similar to the 6146's, for shure: they are NOT the same. The tube data will be completely different! It's very difficult to redesign the PA-tube configuration for a sweep tube as well as the Pi-network!
The only replacement-tubes you can use are:
8298A or QE05/40 or YL1370.
These tubes can be used by only neutralizing the PA.

Michael Schlör

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