History of the Electric Lamp
History of the Electric Lamp

New book "History of the Electric Lamp" now available as a CD/pdf file only.
Book has 22 chapters, 616 pages and hundreds of photos together with lamp advertisements and patents.
Covers the period of experimenters in the 1800's, before Swan and Edison, to the present day. Such early work as done by de la Rue, Roberts, Farmer, Maxim and the Russian experimenters - Lodyguine and Kossolff. Also details the inventions of Joseph Swan, Thomas Edison, Hiram Maxim and St George Lane Fox and many others in the 1880's. Evolution of the major lamp manufacturers - General Electric, Siemens & Halske, Philips, Westinghouse, GEC Osram, BTH, Kremenezky and Thorn.
Development of the osmium, Nernst, tantalum and tungten lamps are given good coverage as are gas filled lamps. There is a chapter dealing with all categories of lamps in every day use, from the early days and chapters on discharge lamps from Geissler tubes to lasers and CFL's.
There are lists of known brand names, factory locations and much more otherwise unknown data.
CD is $A 57 and is available only from the author - Fin Stewart, 38 Primrose St Wingham NSW 2429 Australia or by email at: ferrowatte38@bigpond.com . Payment by Paypal to this address preferred but a bank or personal cheque is acceptable (check with me before sending this so exchange rates can be calculated, if necessary)
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