philips: How to adjust IF coils.
? philips: How to adjust IF coils.
I have a receiver like this and it has oscillation noise when a station is tuned. I want to adjust the intermediate frequency and radiofrequency but the oscillating coils seem sealed in upper part and from what I see in the service manual there are only some small coils (i think they are called worm coils or something like that) in the form of a white tube on the bottom of the receiver. It seems that the adjustment is made in them but I do not want to damage them without informing me beforehand. Thank all
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philips: How to adjust IF coils.
Philips IF coils of this kind cannot be adjusted.
The problem of adjusting coils is discussed in "Abgleich von Spulen" (in German). In point 2: "Der Abgleich durch Einkerbungen im Abschirmgehäuse" you will find the following picture.
The alignment of the IF coils is realized by the grooves in the Al can. You will also find a link to a forum in the Nederlands, where the procedure of alignment is described.
Regards, Dietmar
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philips: How to adjust IF coils.
Thank you for your response.
I have several Spanish philips devices that use the same type of coil. I don't know that they were the latest in technology at the time. As regards the alignment, the tubes to which I referred seem to be condensers, as can be seen in the service manual C34,C38,etc.. In the alignment instructions it seems that they have something to play and that they must be adjusted to the maximum. How are these condensers adjusted?. I think they have to do with the problem of my radio because when I touch or move them, the oscillation noise changes
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philips: How to adjust IF coils.
Hello Mr Trujillo
Those capacitors you are referring to, are a cheap solution for a variable trim capacitor!
On the body (yellow) we see a thin spiral wire with an open end.
In the factory they are adjusted by pulling the wire in order to reduce the capacity to reach the maximum performance of the set. Then the (now useless) remaining wire was cut off.
For later repairs and adjustments, a further removal of that wire will only reduce the capacity!
Or, you have to solder an additional wire to extend the windings, which is a cumbersome procedure...
Kind regards
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philips: How to adjust IF coils.
Hello Wolfang, thank you very much for your response. You have explained it perfectly. The Phillips engineers must blindly trust that these devices stay aligned for many years.
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philips: How to adjust IF coils.
In his contribution of November 12th [post #2] Dietmar Rudolph referred to a forum in the Netherlands, where the procedure for alignment of IF coils by Philips has been discussed. Unfortunately the original link does not work anymore.
The following links, however, lead to
- the complete forum thread
- a posting with pictures of the manufacturing of the coils by Philips.
Edit 14.11.2018 Links to the external site removed. There a password is required to read the content.
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Da stimmt was nicht !!
Hallo Gidi
Die beiden Links geben zwar Zugang zu den Bildern,
ABER gleichzeitig können nun Außenstehende über mein Wachtwort ins NL-Forom einloggen!
Ich verstehe nicht, wie das so gekommen ist. Ich habe mein Wachtwort nie öffentlich bekannt gegeben!
Bitte diese Links zu entfernen...
EDIT: Ich bedanke mich bei Herrn Bernhard Nagel, der meinem Wunsch entsprochen hat...
For further explanation:
Few years ago the links to the interesting pictures were accessible for everyone, but later on these were transferred to the archive which now is protected by a password.
MfG, Wolfgang
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Da stimmt was nicht !!
Dear Wolfgang,
I did not realise, that for access to the Dutch radioforum a password is required (as I always are logged in automatically). So it was an adequate action by the forum moderator to remove the links I had provided to the Dutch radioforum.
I would like to assure you that access to that radioforum is only possible with an appropriate set of ID and password. Visitors will only get access via your set of ID and password, if this set would be known to them. However, you mentioned that you never published your password.
I am sorry that I causted confusion, but I will try to provide the relevant information about the alignment of Philips IF-coils, as presented in the Dutchradioforum to the visitors of the RMorg forum.
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