gener-raco: How To Delete Uploaded Photos

ID: 594950
? gener-raco: How To Delete Uploaded Photos 
09.Nov.22 15:44

Can someone please tell me how I can delete a few photos that I uploaded so I can then upload them to the correct model?

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gener-raco: How To Delete Uploaded Photos 
10.Nov.22 00:42
58 from 705

Gidi Verheijen (NL)
Articles: 252
Gidi Verheijen

Pictures cannot be deleted.

You may contact one of the Picture Admins (see list under Community/Organisation). They can move the pictures to the right model page.

Please specify accurately which pictures (model page ID and picture IDs) you woul like to be moved to the right model page (model page ID).

For this purpose you may also ask me to accomplish the job.

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gener-raco: How To Delete Uploaded Photos 
10.Nov.22 01:22
62 from 705

Greg Hubbard (USA)
Articles: 3
Count of Thanks: 1

I think I first have to set up a page for a new model. I am new to the site and have never set up a new model. Once I figure out how to do that and get it done I'll let you know which photos to move.

Thank you!

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gener-raco: How To Delete Uploaded Photos 
10.Nov.22 15:10
99 from 705


Can you please delete the following photos? I uploaded these to the wrong model.

Decade Resistor 1432-U




Thank you,


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gener-raco: How To Delete Uploaded Photos 
10.Nov.22 15:59
110 from 705

Gidi Verheijen (NL)
Articles: 252
Gidi Verheijen


As I told you, pictures cannot be deleted, but only moved to another model page. Tell me to which model page (later on, if that page has to be created yet).

Please, contact me for that purpose by direct e-mail (use the option "Mail to the author"), in order not to bother other people.

In the unlikely event that the pictures are useless, we can block pictures, which makes them "unvisible", but does not delete them.


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