Lafayette Catalog no. 75, Gift Catalog 1939, Christmas 1938

ID: 204625
This article refers to the manufacturer: To the manufacturer

Lafayette Catalog no. 75, Gift Catalog 1939, Christmas 1938 
09.Nov.09 14:55

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5746
Count of Thanks: 18
Ernst Erb


Klick here for "all" Lafayette models.
Use the "Advanced search" for limiting by years - to get the later models.

Lafayette is known as a mail-order catalog business with sales outlets in different cities.See company description and the text about these catalogs.

See also the next main catalog, the Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 78, 1940 for season 1939/40
and the main catalog before, Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 73, 1939 for 1938/39.

The catalog directly before this Lafayette catalog, no. 74 we miss.
The catalog directly after this one is no. 76, 1939 Spring-Summer. 


Lafayette Catalog no. 75, Gift 1939
- for Christmas 1938

The copyright notice on page 2 below right proofs that it is for Christmas 1938 (not 1939). Therefore the models get the date for season 1938/39 (not 1939).

In this catalog for 1938 Lafayette mentions again 7 showrooms: New York NY, Chicago ILL., Atalante GA, Newark NJ, Bronx, NY, Jamaica LI - and Boston, Mass.

Content of this catalog:
Mainly Lionel trains with gauge "0" and "00", some educational and entertaining toys, household appliances, electric clocks, cameras - projectors - and all what is needed to produce or look at (26 pages!), record players (page 51). Radios are on the last pages, 52 to 64 and on page 24 one finds the auto radios D-6 and M-94, Hallicrafters Sky-Buddy (K21094) and "Beginner's All-Wave Kits K10356, K10357 and K10358.

Page 51 shows the electric record-players models: K21964, K21965, K21966, K21967, K22005, K22006 and K22012.

On page 51 through 64 follow the radios: B49, B50, D43, D44, D24, D25, D-58, D-59, JA-7, C-39, C-41, C-19, C-88, C-16, C87, C21, C90, D-4, D-5, D-64, C-29, C-34, C-13, C-17, C-98, D-2, C-37, FS-11, FS-12, C-20, C-15, C-31, C-91, C-10, C-51, C-14BB-35, BB-48, C-45, C-12, C-99, C-22, C-23, C-32, C-33 and C-38. Here we write the models as given in the catalog, not using generally the hyphen ...

What is done?: Picture at company page. For introducing models we first check if the models have been offered before. Felix Schaffhauser is entering the models for the catalog 73, 1939 for season 1938/39.

After having entered the models for this catalog or enhanced, I will go on with the text here. At the moment it is only an URL for the link in the model.

Later we link this thread to each model from this catalog. We then have a common text for each model of this catalog and can inform about the specific model year et. We then don't have to change on each model if we find something new or an error etc.


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