Lafayette: It's Radio Supply Houses and Catalogs

ID: 198454
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Lafayette: It's Radio Supply Houses and Catalogs 
28.Aug.09 06:32

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 75
Ernst Erb

Over decades the organization published regularly catalogs. Here we bring them together and note some specialities. You find also descriptions on the Lafayette history and our struggle getting solid facts for it - title: "Lafayette or Radio Lafayette, the brand and its origin"..

I can naturally only list what I have and describe catalogs for which we loaded up.
This is an ongoing process! Some entries are at the moment only notes for me.
I need information about catalogs from the 1920s - guests can use the contact form to reach me. We are thankful for any information. What we know about the early catalogs up to WW2 is here:

The measurements are made with examples which I bought but which sometimes have been cut on the edges. They may be a bit bigger.

I miss all catalogs before! Maybe there are none?

Normally the catalogs we list for a saison (like 1939/40 etc.) are the yearly master catalogs which arrive early enough for late autumn and Christmas buying, later often followed by not so complete Christmas catalogs which are also products released and sold in "the old year", not only in the given one!).

Lafayette Catalog 1930 for season 1929/30
96 pages, size 27 x 20 cm.
What is done?: Picture at company page. L-Models (L=Lafayette Brand) up, ALL L-Pictures up.
Up to now, this is the only catalog with a name of a person: J. W. Shortland, Mgr. (incl. photo).

The top model, Duo-Symphonic, is a chassis C or DG from Wells-Gardner - still a Neutrodyne, but the other two chassis are state of the art with screen grid tubes 224, released in April 1929 by RCA. All 25 main radio offers use one of these 3 chassis. By the way: Wells-Gardner was aquired by Gulbransen in this year but the name was kept as a division of Gulbransen.

There was probably also a Lafayette Catalog 1930 Spring-Summer - I miss it.

Lafayette Catalog 1931 for season 1930/31
128 pages, size 255 x 200 mm.
What is done?: Picture at company page. L-Models up, L-pictures up.

Lafayette Radio Catalog 1931 "Bigger Profits" = 1931
32 pages, size 287 x 210 mm. Copyright 1931.
What is done?: Picture at company page. L-Models listed in the post.

Lafayette Catalog 1931 Spring-Summer = 1931
48 pages, size 28 x 21 cm. Copyright 1931.
What is done?: Picture at company page. L-Models up, L-pictures up.

Lafayette Catalog 1931 "Summer-Fall - Reductions!" = 1931
48 pages (brown), size 285 (cut) 210 mm
Transformers, parts etc. Also Mantel Radios and Floor Radios.

Lafayette Radio Catalog 1932, 10th Anniversary for season 1931/32
144 pages, size 29 x 21 cm.
What is done?: Picture at company page. All L-Models up, All L-pictures up.

Lafayette Catalog 1932 Spring-Summer  = 1932
100 pages (26 x 18 cm)
What is done?: Picture at company page. Models listed in the post.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 53, 1933 for season 1932/33
136 pages, size 26 x 21 cm. Copyright 1932.
This is the first Lafayette catalog I know which shows a number!
Top models are with chasssis L-1 De Luxe - sensitivity under 1 microvolt per meter.

We show here the first appearances of Lafayette radios in Rider's Perpetual - which started under "Wholesale". The "Radio Collector's Guide 1921-1932" did also list under "Wholesale", starting with year 1929. "The Radio Trade Directory", Aug. 1925 names two companies for Lafayette: Kor-Rad. Co and Mississsippi Radio Co.
What is done?: Picture at company page. L-Models up, L-pictures up. Spare catalog here!  Generally: Schematics not duplicated to the models.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 54, Spring 1933 = 1933
152 pages (257 x 180 mm).
What is done?: Picture at company page. Models listed in this catalog page - maybe all of them came from different catalogs and here are only price reductions.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 55, 1934 for season 1933/34
160 pages, size (cut) 256 mm x 180 mm.
What is done?: Picture at company page. ALL Models up, ALL L-pictures and some misc. product pictures up.

Supplement C to catalog no. 55 (Newark Branch only)
80 pages (260 x 178 mm). See description on the bottom of the post for catalog no. 55.
What is done?: Picture at company page and in the post for catalog 55 with the listed models.

Generally I miss supplements not listed here or any information about them.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 56 1935 for season 1934/35
192 pages, size (cut) 252 x 180 mm. Copyright 1934.
What is done?: Picture at company page. L-Models up, nearly all L-pictures up. Spare catalog here!

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 57, Spring+Summer 1935 = 1935
128 pages, size 255 x 180 mm.
What is done?: Picture at company page. ALL Models up, L-pictures up. But there are no 1935 "alone" models. Karlheinz Fischer has the spare catalog and is working on it.

I miss catalog no. 58.

Amateur Radio Equipment, Catalog No. 58-A = 1935

50 pages, size 255 x 183, Copyright 1935.
Wholesale Radio Service Co. Inc. (Address = Lafayette).

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 59, 1936 for season 1935/36
192 pages, size 257 x 180 mm.
What is done?: Picture at company page. L-Models up, All L-pictures up.

I have still to clear many things.
We believe that Lafayette flagships, models C-95, C-96 and C-97 are from "Radio Wire Television". It is the first and only family with a Magic Eye for that season. There are many open links in this thread which I have to clear. For instance Lafayette B-21 All-Wave Radio Robot is probably from Wells-Gardner - and also used by Montgomery Ward. A price comparison would be nice.

Amateur Radio Equipment Catalog no. 60, 1936
64 pages, size 255 x 177 mm. This was given to me by Bart Lee, San Francisco. Thanks.
Nothing done yet - I have to find an amateur who has the time for it.

I miss no. 61 and 62.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 63 Spring 1936 = 1936
64 pages, size (cut) 258 x 177 mm. Copyright 1936.
What is done?: Picture at company page.

I miss no. 64.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 65, 1937 for season 1936/37
152 pages, size 256 x 180 mm.
What is done?: Picture at company page. Only a few models up.
I sent the spare catalog to John Koster, Netherlands on 14th Novembber 2009.

I miss no. 66 and 67.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 68, Spring/Summer 1937 = 1937
112 pages, size 255 x 175 mm.
What is done?: Picture at company page. Vitor Oliveira has introduced many or all L-models, Franz Scharner has one of the two spare catalogs and works on it.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 69, 1938 for season 1937/38
176 pages, size 257 x 180 mm.
What is done?: Picture at company page. The member Vitor Oliveira, Portugal has introduced the models from his own catalog in 2006. Therefore we will have to change 1938 to season 1937/38, enter a selected catalog plus individual text (without page number) and enter a link to here in the notes. Manually we will have to change some of the model names. Spare Catalog here!

I miss no. 70.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 71 Spring 1938 = 1938
80 pages, zize 255 x 175 mm.
What is done?: Picture at company page.

I miss no. 72.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 73, 1939 for season 1938/39
184 pages, size (cut) 253 x 177 mm.
What is done?: Picture at company page.
Felix Schaffhauser, Switzerland, is starting to add the models and pictures for this catalog.
October 29, 2009 he received the spare catalog.

I miss no. 74.

Lafayette gift catalog no. 75, 1939 = 1938/39
64 pages, size 255 x 180 mm. Copyright 1938 - for Christmas sales!
Content: Mainly Lionel trains with gauge "0" and "00", some educational and entertaining toys, household appliances, electric clocks, cameras - projectors - and all what is needed to produce or look at (26 pages!), record players (page 51). Radios are on the last pages, 52 to 64 and on page 24 one finds the auto radios D-6 and M-94, Hallicrafters Sky-Buddy (K21094) and "Beginner's All-Wave Kits K10356, K10357 and K10358.
What is done?: Picture at company page. For introducing models we first check if the models have been offered before. See text in the catalog page, where we have listed all models.
Spare catalog went to John Koster, 14 November 2009.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 76, Spring & Summer 1939 = 1939
184 pages, size 256 x 180 mm. Copyright 1939.
What is done?: Picture at company page.

I miss catalog no. 77.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 78, 1940 for season 1939/40
184 pages, size 256 x 177 mm.
This is the first catalog (except perhaps no. 77) with the company name "Radio Wire Television Inc." followed below by "formerly Wholesale Radio Service Co., Inc.". On page 2 and 3 is a longer text - saying nothing really, but ending with "Radio Wire Television Inc. is licensed by arrangement with Electrical Research Products, Inc. under the patents of Western Electric Company, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and American Telephone and Telegraph Company.". See the link above and the company/brand page.
What is done?: Picture at company page.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 79 Gift Guide 1940 for Christmas 1939 = 1939/40
56 pages, size 254 x 177 mm
What is done?: Nothing yet. But we have a doublet!

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 80, Spring-Summer 1940 = 1940
120 pages, size 257 x 178 mm. Copyright 1940.
What is done?: Picture at company page. We have a doublet - which I handed over to Mr. Schaffhauser on 6th July 2010. He might upload after doing catalog no. 82.

I miss the catalogs no. 81.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 82, 1941 for season 1940/41
192 pages, size 256 x 180 mm. Copyright 1941 which is strange because the Christmas catalog 1941 for 1940 followed ... Well, the trick was to be able to call it "20th Anniversary Catalog".
What is done?: Picture at company page. The Swiss member Felix Schaffhauser has introduced the radios from this catalog. At the moment (October 2010) we better create more radio pages from other catalogs and skip the other articles here (radio amateur gear, amplifiers etc.).

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 83 Gift Guide 1940 for Christmas 1940 = 1940/41
40 pages, size 257 x 178 mm.
What is done?: Picture at company page.

I miss catalog no. 84 and 85

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 86 - 1941-2
48 pages, size 280 x 212 mm (bigger than others!).
What is done?: Picture at company page. Models listed in the post.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 87, 1942
128 pages, size 255 x 180 mm. Copyright 1942.
This catalog servers only for New York, Bronx, Boston and Newark. see below.
What is done?: Picture at company page. Models listed in the post. Most models entered and some pictures (15 Dec. 2009).

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 87 "Victory", 1942
128 pages, size 255 x 178 mm
This is basically the same catalog no. 87 as above but an other front and at least the content on radios is different. Only two radio models (D-251 and D-294) are the same. Believed reason: Split inventory - no more new radio sets coming in because of war production: Chicago and Atlanta have a separate catalog - they will continue during the war and shortly after the war to deliver Radio Parts etc. - but not radios.
What is done?: Nothing yet.

Lafayette Radio Corp. Radio Parts Catalog supplement no. 92, 1943
8 pages, size 420 x 272 mm
Copyright 1943 by Lafayette RAdio Corporation, Chicago, Ill.
for Chicago, 901 W. Jackson Blvd. and Atlanta (3), Georgia, 265 Peachtree Street

Lafayette Radio Corp. (Chicago + Atlanta) No. 94 = 1943/1944
106 pages, size 253 x 180 mm
Copyright 1943 (Tubes, Parts etc.)

Concord Radio Corporation, Lafayette Radio Corporation, Supplement nor. 97, 1943

16 pages, size 204 x 178 mm
No copyright information. Probably 1943.

There is more behind that split

Supplement no. 97 of date about 1943 shows a name change (with the same addresses) to Concord Radio Corporation (Lafayette Radio Corporation). On the front one reads:

"Announcing a change ...
For more than twenty-two years LAFAYETTE RADIO CORPORATION has been one of the country's largest distributors of nationally known radio parts and electronic equiment. In order to enlarge and improve our many services to customers, our pstwar plans include the establishment of a number of strategically located branches in vorious parts of the country.

For this reason and to avoid any possible confusion with any other companies having a similar name, our company name has now been changed to CONCORD RADIO CORPORATION. In other words, Lafayette Radio corporation in CHICAGO and ATLANTA will henceforth be known as CONCORD RADIO CORPORATION. ..."

The two catalogs no. 87 end the pre WW2 period for radios.
Catalog no. 88 is copyrighted 1947
and shows cut out daily news from after the war.
But the following thin catalogs for parts only are not conform with the numbering of the catalogs. There are still a few questions open. 


Special remarks for models where we can find out the manufacturer:

Lafayette C-34 is model Garod 3790. See also no. 379
Lafayette CC-98 is model Garod 939. See also different models for CC-98.

To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.

Lafayette Radio Catalogs after 1944 
06.Nov.09 16:19

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 66
Ernst Erb

This is a working thread - an ongoing process - for the Lafayette catalogs after WW2.

It seems that the Lafayette catalogs were started a bit late after World War 2: My first catalog is no. 88, 1947. The last Lafayette before this was no. 87, 1942 (for season 1941/42) and we have nothing in between.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 88, 1947 for season 1946/47
144 pages, size (cut) 255 x 175 mm.
This is the "25th Anniversary Catalog" of the company
Lafayette Radio · Radio Wire Television, Inc. with four warehouses:
100 Sixth Ave.; New York 13, NY, 110 & 130 Federal St., Boston 10, Mass.; 24 Central Ave., Newark 2, NJ and 542 E. Fordham Rd., Bronx 58, NY. Adresses and number of locations are the same as in 1942 - without the two below (Concord).

We have a Supplement Concord catalog no. R1-47, copyright 1947 by Concord Radio Corporation, Chicago. There are two addresses: Chicago 901 W. Jackson Blvd and Atlanta, 265 Peachtree St. In other words: The old address from Lafayette
. On the following catalogs one can read "Formerly Lafayette Radio Corp."! What is done here? Nothing yet, we have two issues of it.

Content of the Lafayette catalog:
Without given prices: J50-M, J50-Y (with direct drive dial), MC-11B, MC-11Y, J-62, MC-12B, MX-12Y, J61, J51P, J-62C, MC-13. Only FA-15W and FA-15Y show a price (page 2). Page 6 and 7 feature "Custom Cabinetry" like P-2005, P-2006, P-2009, P-2007, P-2003, P-2001 - without radios but with prices - up to $ 275. The rest is simila to the pre war catalogs.
What is done?: Picture at company page. Models listed in the post.

Lafayette-Concord Radio Catalog no. 89, 1949 for season 1948/49
180 pages, size 250 x 180 mm
My issue has heavy chewing on entire top of magazine (roughly top 1/2" at its worst) - does affect text/pictures along top. I have now a second one ... No action yet.
3 Mail order centers: Chicago, New York and Atlanta plus 7 Convenient Stores: Chicago at 901 W. Jackson Blvd (as before) and new: 229 W. Madison Street., New Yor, Atlanta, Bronx, Newark and Boston - all at the same address as pre WW2.

LAFAYETTE Concord Radio & Television Catalog no. 949, 1949

160 pages, size 255 x 180 mm
Copyrighted 1949 by Lafayette-Concord Radio, New York. 7 addresses, the same as before in New York, Boston, Newark, Atlanta, Bronx, two for Chicago.
My issue has heavy chewing on entire top of magazine (roughly top 1/2" at its worst) - does affect text/pictures along top. I will need a second one ... No action yet

Lafayette Concord Supplement no. 90 = 1949
32 pages, size 260 x 205 mm, copyright1949 by Lafyette-Concord Radio, New York.
Highlight: Portable Television (page 5).
What is done? Nothing yet.

Lafayette Flyer "Greater than ever" (refers to master cat. 949) = 1949/50
8 pages, size 443 x 290 mm, no Copyright (Lafayette Radio 150M-650)

Lafayette Radio Television Electronics Flyer 150 = 1950

12 pages, size 425 x 275 mm, Page 6+7 "Lafayette's Great 1950 Television Show".

Lafayette Radio Television Electronics Buying Guide 950F = 1950
16 pages, size 420 x 277 mm. Copyright Radio Wire Television Inc, 1950.

Lafayette Radio Telev. El. - RWT Radio Wire Television Inc. no. 951, 1951
96 pages, size 258 x 180 mm
Copyrighted 1951 by Radio Wire Television, Inc. New York, Boston, Newark and Bronx.

Supplement no. 97 is a 16-page catalog with title "Radio Parts". It is labelled
"Concord Radio Coprporation - Lafayette Radio Corporation" (Chicago and Atlanta). The order form is for Atlanta.

Lafayette "always has the greatest values", cat. no. 9-53 = probably 1953
48 pages (blue), size 278 x 210 mm, no copyright found (32 and at last page 33 years famous ...)
5 showrooms = New York, Bronx, Newark, Plainfield, Boston.

Later Catalogs
For 1955 and later we list at the moment only the catalogs we have here, without further specifying - until we have worked through the ones before - or in case we send one to a member who wants to introduce the models for a catalog.

Lafayette 1955 money savers cat. supplement 2-55 = 1955
16 pages (green), size 275 x 208 mm, Copyright 1955 by Radio Wire Television Inc.

Lafayette catalog 3-55 = 1955
48 pages (blue), size 277 x 210 mm, Copyright 1955 by Radio Wire Television, Inc.

Lafayette Radio (Mail Order Headquarters, 165-08 Liberty Ave., Jamaica 33, NY. no 300, 1956
164 pages, size 254 x 204 mm, Copyright 1956, Radio Wire Television, Inc.

Lafayette Radio catalog No. 305 = 1957
178 pages, size 253 x 205 (cut!) mm

Lafayette Smash Values, Catalog no. 307 = 1958
28 pages, size 365 x 275 mm. Copyright 1958 by Radio Wire Television.

Lafayette parade of values, Catalog no. 309
44 pages size 383 x 275 mm, no copyright found.

1960, Main catalog 1960 = no. 600
306 pages, size 253 x 205 mm. Copyright 1959 = models 1959/60

1960 Lafayette Radio - Transistor List BK-1300 (2nd Ed.)
36 pages, size 280 x 217 mm, Copyright 1960

Lafayette Radio electronics Catalog 607 = 1960
48 pages, size 365 x 267 mm (Newspaper like).

1961, Main catalog 1961 = no. 610 for 1960/61
234 pages, size 253 x 205

Lafayette Radio electronics Catalog 611 = 1960
48 pages, size 365 x 267 mm (Newspaper like). Copyright 1960.

Lafayette catalog no. 612 = 1960/61
64 pages, size 368 x 275 mm,
Copyright 1960 by Lafayette Radio Electronics Corp., New York (165-08 Liberty Ave., Jamaica 33) Listed are the mail order center at that address plus the following 6 sales outlets: New York 13 (100 6th Ave), Bronx 58, Boston 10, Newark 2, Plainfield (N.J). and paramus (N.J.). Lafayette lists the following 4 "Associated Stores": Cleveland (Ohio), Trenton (N.J.), Waterbury (Conn.) and Ashbury Park (Wanamassa, N.J.).

Lafayette Radio Electronics catalog no. 613 = 1960/61

64 pages, size 368 x 275 mm,
Copyright 1960 by Lafayette Radio Electronics Corp., New York
Same outlets as no. 612 but now 8 franchise dealers instead of 4. The new ones are: Bridgeport (Conn.), Groton (Conn.), Albany (N.Y.) and Pittsburgh (PA).

Lafayette Anniversary Flyer (41st), Catalog no. 616, 1961
64 pages, size 368 x 275 mm
Copyright 1961 by Lafayette Radio Electronics Corp., 165-08 Liberty Ave., Jamaica 33, NY.

Lafayette Radio Electronics Spring Summer Catalog no. 635 = 1963
64 pages, size 365 x 275 mm, Copyright 1963

Lafayette Radio electronics Catalog 636 = 1963
48 pages, size 365 x 267 mm (Newspaper like). Copyright 1963

1964, Spring-Summer no. 643
134 pages, size 236 x 165 mm. Copyright 1964 = 1964

1965, Lafayette Main Catalog no. 650 = models 1964/65
512 pages, size 235 x 168, Copyright 1964

Christmas Catalog no. 651 = 1964
140 pages, size 235 x 165, Copyright 1964

1966, Main catalog 1966 =
no. 660
512 pages, size (cut) 230 x 170


1966, Winter no. 662
108 pages (incl. cover), 236 x 165 mm. Copyright 1965 = models 1965/66

1966, Spring no. 663
108 pages (incl. cover), 236 x 165 mm. Copyright 1966

1966, Summer no. 664
108 pages, 236 x 165 mm. Copyright 1966

1967, Main catalog 1966 = no. 670
512 pages, size 236 x 170 mm. Copyright 1966 = models 1966/67

1967, Gift Guide (for Christmas 1966!) no. 671
108 pages, size 236 x 165 mm. Copyright 1966 = 1966/67

1967 Winter Values Catalog no. 672 (prices effective until March 1967)
108 pages, size 235 x 165

1967, Spring no. 673
116 pages, size 236 x 165 mm. Copyright 1967

1967, Summer no. 674
116 pages, size 236 x 165 mm, Copyright 1967

1968, Main catalog 1967 = no. 680
512 pages, size 235 x 167 mm, Copyright = 1967
= models 1967/68

1968, probably before Christmas 1967 - no. 681
124 pages, size 236 x 165, no Copyright found = 1967/68

1968, winter catalog, no. 682 = 1967/68
124 pages, size 235 x 165 mm

Summer Catalog no. 684
124 pages, size 235 x 166 mm, Copyright 1968

1969, Main catalog 1968 = no. 690
512 pages, size 235 x 167 mm, Copyright = 1968
= models 1968/69

1969, Lafayette Radio Electronics Holiday Catalog, no. 691 = models 1968/69
84 pages, size 236 x 165 mm, Copyright 1968

Winter Catalog no. 692
96 pages, size 237 x 165 mm, Copyright 1968

1969, Spring no. 693
100 pages, size 236 x 165 mm, Copyright 1969

Summer Catalog no. 694
100 pages, size 235 x 165 mm, Copyright 1969

Lafayette Electronics Winter Catalog no. 702 =
models 1969/70
112 pages, size 235 x 165 mm, Copyright 1969. Prices expire March 1, 1970

1970 Lafayette Electronics Spring Catalog no. 703
112 pages, size 235 x 165 mm, Copyright 1970

Summer Catalog no. 704
116 pages, size 214 x 160 mm, Copyright1970

1971 Lafayette main catalog no. 710 = models 1970/71
468 pages, size 215 x 158 mm, Copyright 1970

1970, Holiday Catalog no. 711
112 pages, size 214 x 160 mm, Copyright 1970

Winter Catalog no. 712
116 pages, size 212 x 157 (cut), Copyright 1970

Spring Catalog no. 713 = Models 1971
116 pages, size 210 x 157 (cut), Copyright 1971

Summer 1971 catalog no. 714
116 pages, size 215 x 157, Copyright 1971

Lafayette main Catalog no. 720 = 1971/72
468 pages, size 2w10 x 160 mm, Copyright 1971

Holiday Catalog no. 721
120 pages, size 213 x 155 (cut), Copyright 1971

1972, Spring no. 723
118 pages, size 212 x 155 mm, Copyright 1972

Hi-Fi Sale Catalog no. 724
136 pages, size 215 x 158, Copyright 1972

1973 Lafayette main catalog no. 730 = models 1972/73
468 pages, size 210 x 158 mm, Copyright 1972

Catalog no. 731 = 1972
128 pages, size 210 x 160, Copyright 1972

Catalog no. 732
120 pages, size 214 x 157, Copyright ?

Lafayette Radio Electronics (no number, but Mail card = no 730 and no. 735 ...) = 1972/73
48 pages, size 292 x 238 mm, Copyright  1973 by Lafayette Radio El. Corp, Syosset, NY.
Prices expire July 4, 1973. (75 convenient company owned stores, over 350 associate stroes ...)

Hi-Fi Sale Catalog no. 733
120 pages, size 214 x 157, Copyright ?

1974 Lafayette main catalog no. 740 = models 1973/74
474 pages, size 210 x 158 mm, Copyright 1973

Catalog no. 741 = 1973
128 pages, size 213 x 160 (cut), Copyright 1973

1974, probably well before Christmas 1973 - no. 742
112 pages, size 212 x 160 mm, Copyright 1973 = 1973/74

1974 (sales prices end May) early no. 743
112 pages, size 212 x 160 mm, Copyright 1974

1974 Sale, catalog no. 744 (sales price end Aug 19, 1974) = 1974
72 pages, size 215 x 160 mm, Copyright 1974.

1975, Main catalog 1975 = no. 750 = season 1974/75
260 pages, size 277 x 215 mm. Copyright 1974 = 1974/75

Christmas 1974, catalog no. 751 = season 1974/75
40 pages, size 277 x 210 mm

Lafayette Catalog no. 752 = 1974/75
48 pages, size 275 x 210 mm, (Prices good thru March 1, 1975) Copyright 1974.

Lafayette's Warehouse sale Catalog 754 = 1975
40 pages, size 278 x 210 mm, Copyright 1975 (Offers good thru Aug 15, 1975).

Lafayette Spring Book, Cat. no. 753
40 pages, 275 x 212 mm, Copyright 1975

1976 Lafayette Electronics Catalog no 760 = 1975/76
232 pages, size 275 x 210 mm, Copyright 1975

Lafayette Mid-Winter Catalog no. 762
40 pages, size 280 x 237 mm, (Prices in effect until Feb 29, 1976), Copyright 1975.

1977, Main catalog 1977 = no. 770 = season 1976/77
164 pages, size 250 x 210 mm., Copyright 1976
We have two doublets.

1978 Lafayette Christmas Catalog (no number)
48 pages, size 278 x 215 mm, Copyright 1978, prices valid until Dec. 30, 1978

1978, Lafayette 1979 Catalog (no number) = season 1978/79
170 pages, size 280 x 210 mm, Copyright 1978 by Lafayette Radio Electronics Corp.



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