Lafayette Radio Catalog 1931 Spring-Summer

ID: 203631
This article refers to the manufacturer: To the manufacturer

Lafayette Radio Catalog 1931 Spring-Summer 
28.Oct.09 21:14

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5749
Count of Thanks: 22
Ernst Erb


Klick here for "all" Lafayette models.
Use the "Advanced search" for limiting by years - to get the later models.

Lafayette is known as a mail-order catalog business with sales outlets in different cities.See company description and the text about these catalogs.

See also the next main catalog, the Lafayette Radio Catalog 1932, 10th Anniversary without number (for the season 1931/32) and the main catalog before, Lafayette Radio Catalog 1931 also without number - for season 1930/31.

There is also a 32 paged Radio Catalog 1931 "Bigger Profits".


Lafayette Radio Catalog Spring - Summer 1931
I link this thread to each model from this catalog.
We then have a common text for each model in this catalog and can inform about the specific model year etc. We then don't have to change on each model if we find something new or an error etc.

This is still in process: After having entered the models for the pre war catalogs we will give an overview about this catalog here.

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