Lafayette Radio Catalog 1932, 10th Anniversary - for 1931/32

ID: 201519
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Lafayette Radio Catalog 1932, 10th Anniversary - for 1931/32 
03.Oct.09 17:15

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5749
Count of Thanks: 27
Ernst Erb


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Use the "Advanced search" for limiting by years - to get the later models.

Lafayette is known as a mail-order catalog business with sales outlets in different cities.See company description and the text about these catalogs.

See also the next main catalog, the Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 53, called 1933 (for the season 1932/33) and the main catalog before, Lafayette Radio Catalog 1931 with no number and presumably for saison 1930/31.

The catalog directly before this Lafayette main catalog was probably Lafayette Catalog 1931 Spring-Summer and directly after this catalog here is the Lafayette Catalog 1932 Spring-Summer.

Lafayette Radio Catalog 1932 is for the radio season 1931/32.

This main radio catalog has most probably been published in Autumn 1931 and production/delivery was in 1931 - and later. Therefore we regard those models as being for season 1931/32.

This catalog seems to be the last in big format of roughly 30 cm by 21.5 cm. The catalog has been cut to look less worn out ... The following main catalog (no. 53) called 1933 for season 1932/33 and its followers have the measurement 26 cm by 18 cm but it is cut too ...

The anniversary catalog shows on page 18 and 19 a text called "1922 - 1932, we celebrate our tenth anniversary. A decade of progress in the radio industry." The catalog shows no catalog number and the year after, the main Lafayette Catalog is numbered 53.

On page 18 one finds the statement which is made in every early catalog: "For your protection we publicly announce that WHOLESALE RADIO SERVICE COMPANY is not associated with any other radio concern and never has been." On page 19: "Ten years ago, when the radio industry had just been born, Wholesale Radio Service Company began in a small, two-by-four office, selling a small number of radio accessories. ... Today this company is located in a modern building in the heart of New York's radio section. Our business runs into millions of dollars per year. A large force of men and women are employed to take care of the hundreds and hundreds of orders which come in daily."

On page 10 is displayed a letter dated July 7, 1931 to Wholesale Radio Service Co., Inc.
36-38 Vesey Street, New York City about "Guaranty bond covering refunds on Lafayette Radio Sets." The last page, 144, shows us a letter of August 14, 1931. This suggests that the catalog has been published after that date - for the radio season 1931/32.


Characteristics of top models for season 1931/32 and special features
The chassis 10-C (Cadmium plated) with 10 tubes is for the top models like 101 Duo-Symphonic.
It has "Visual Meter Tuning", Automatic Volume Control (AVC), 8 tuned circuits (IF=175 kc) and a sensitivity of 1.25 microvolts per meter. The name comes from the "Stadium Speaker" which is a "dual speaker unit" with two speakers, one optimized for higher and the other for lower frequency. The woofer has probably 12.5" diameter. There are two chassis versions, the old one with push-pull and a new one in parallel.
The manufacturer was Gulbransen (series 23 chassis, Rider's vol. 2 page 293K to 293P; models 20, 23 and 235, the latter was also sold in Switzerland).


For more details see the model page

We will later try to find out manufacturers for other models. We know at least the following early manufacturers for Lafayette: Gulbransen, Wells-Gardner (B-code? like B-36 but also B-80 for 7-L of WG? one is "La France of WG = 13 tubes), Belmont, Plant "A", Garod, Detrola?

One of the cheapest models:

To the model page


Description of content:

With a few textual breaks the catalog displays mantel and console radios up to page 29, following two pages for SW receivers and on page 32 is a short wave (SW) converter. Page 33 shows some parts and 3 Auto Radios. Page 34 and 35 show chassis and kits, followed by 4 tube pages. Page 40 displays television including Baird models. Page 41 brings the Talkiola "Talking motion picture machine", Cape Hart record changer, Pam-o-Graph, Presto record maker outfit etc. Page 42 shows the Loftin-White amplifier and the next page Public Address systems. Microphones, speakers etc. are presented up to page 50. This is followed by phono chassis and motors etc. Page 54 through 58 is for testing instruments and page 59 through 66 offer transformers. Pages 67 through 90 are full of different parts like resistors, condensers, knobs etc. and page 91 and 92 are for aerials. Transmitting apparatus can be found on pages 93 to 95, followed by "Everything for the HAM". Page 102 and 103 are for any kind of tools and page 104 to 111 for Lionel trains and accessories, followed by action toys for boys and girls. Ordinary kitchen and bath appliencies, followed by clocks on page 118 and 119. The index is found on page 120. Then follow articles for sports, clothing and the last pages, 142 through 144 are full of selling texts ... The content list is similar in the early 1930s catalogs.

See for instance other brands sold in this catalog:


Or a very special tube:

See the tube page


Early car radio


Early television


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