Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 57, Spring+Summer 1935

ID: 197622
This article refers to the manufacturer: To the manufacturer

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 57, Spring+Summer 1935 
18.Aug.09 21:45

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 19
Ernst Erb


Klick here for "all" Lafayette models.
Use the "Advanced search" for limiting by years - to get the later models.

Lafayette is known as a mail-order catalog business with sales outlets in different cities.See company description and the text about these catalogs.

See also the next main catalog, the Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 59, 1936 for season 1935/36
and the main catalog before this one here, Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 56, 1935 for 1934/35.

But directly next after this catalog here is the Lafayette catalog No. 58, which we still miss.

Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 57, Spring + Summer 1935
I link this thread to each model from this catalog.
We then have a common text for each model in this catalog and can inform about the specific model year etc. We then don't have to change on each model if we find something new or an error etc.


In this catalog for 1935 Lafayette mentions the three showrooms: New York NY (picture about the tube counter), Newark, NJ with the front "Wholesale Radio Service Co. Inc." and Atlanta, GA all on page 1. Page 2 starts with a very big headline "Truth":

"For 14 years we have guarded the Truth valiantly. We have stated our policies openly and frankly. We have pledged lowest wholesale prices. We have promised 24 hour service. We have insisted upon quality merchandise above everything else.

Because we have faithfully performed the promises made to you, we have grown to be the Biggest, the Most Outstanding Exclusive Radio Mail Order House in the entire world! Time Discovers the Truth: that is why thousands upon thousands of customers have become our most loyal and staunch supporters.

Meanwhile, the Envious, the Jealous, the Inexperienced attempted to counterfeit our formula of success. They copied our slogans; they imitaded the style of our catalog; they reproduced our illustrations (on which pont we have law suits pending); they even did business under names which sounded like ours ... all in a futile, vain attempt to mislead and deceive you. ..."


About the organization: page 1 - 3.
Radios: page 4 - 17 (starting with C-18, C-30, C-12 and converters XP15914, XP15953).
Battery radios: page 18 (See models F-55, F-56, A-83 and B-64).
Receiver kits: page 19 (XY22069, XY22012, XY22037, XY22038).
Receiver chassis: page 20 - guides to model pages.
Auburn chassis: page 21 (C-50, C-75, C-76, C-92, C-93).
Car radios: page 22 - 23 (See models AM-20, C-40, L-30 and B-62).
Auto radio accessories: page 24 - 26.
Tubes: 27 - 29 (also Acorn tube, neon glow lamps and deForest / Eimac transmitting tubes).
Home electrical appliances: 30 - 32.
Index: page 33.
Radio parts, speakers etc.: page 34 - 47 (last minute specials page 42 and 43, ordering page 48)
Sound facts and amplifiers. speakers, pic-up's: page 49 - 77.
Short wave receivers (amateur communications): page 78 - 82.
Test equipment, books: page 83 - 91.
Truetest power transformers: 92 - 97.
Condenser blocks: page 100 - 105.
Volume controls, resistors: page 106 - 115.
Variable condensers and chokes: page 116.
Dials, coils, switches, sockets, tools, radio hardware etc.: page 117 - 128. 

Has any member (or guest) catalogs we miss (see second link above)?

Has somebody knowledge about the radio amateur models Lafayette sold and could work on that part? It is a most interesting part. Lafayette sold also the Hammarlund "Super-Pro" and the Hammarlund Comet "Pro".

The catalogs show also many test instruments and I could send scans for further processing.


After having entered the models for this catalog or completed them, I will go on with the text here. At the moment it is only an URL for the link in the corresponding models.

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