Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 88, 1947, 25th Anniversary

ID: 204408
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Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 88, 1947, 25th Anniversary 
06.Nov.09 18:00

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 33
Ernst Erb


Lafayette is known as a mail-order catalog business with sales outlets in different cities.See company description and the text about these catalogs.

See also the next main catalog, the Lafayette Radio Catalog 1948 (for the season 1947/48) and the main catalog before, Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 87, 1942 for 1941/42.

The catalog directly before this Lafayette main catalog was probably above Lafayette Catalog no. 87 and directly after this catalog here is probably a Lafayette Catalog 1947 for Spring-Summer.


Lafayette Radio Catalog no. 88, 1947,
25th Anniversary, for season 1946/47

It seems that the first postwar Lafayette catalog was started a bit late and in haste. This probably first catalog is no. 88, 1947. The last Lafayette catalog before this was no. 87, 1942 (for season 1941/42) - and we have nothing in between. There are only a few ordinary radios offered and for some there is no price given ...

144 pages, size (cut) 255 x 175 mm.
This is the "25th Anniversary Catalog" of the company

Lafayette Radio · Radio Wire Television, Inc.
This seems to be the company name - and four warehouses are listed:
100 Sixth Ave.; New York 13, NY
110 & 130 Federal St., Boston 10, Mass.
24 Central Ave., Newark 2, NJ
542 E. Fordham Rd., Bronx 58, NY.
Adresses and number of locations are the same as in 1942.

Description of the catalog content:

Without given prices: J50-M, J50-Y (with direct drive dial), MC-11B, MC-11Y, J-62, MC-12B, MX-12Y, J61, J51P, J-62C, MC-13. Only FA-15W and FA-15Y show a price (page 2). Page 6 and 7 feature "Custom Cabinetry" like P-2005, P-2006, P-2009, P-2007, P-2003, P-2001 - without radios but with prices - up to $ 275. The rest is similar to the pre war catalogs:
Pages 1 to 3 feature 6 different radio models, some with color versions and some without any price. On pages 4 and 5 feature 4 phono-radios without any price, but tubes are given. Pages 6 and 7 show 6 console combinations, no tubes given nor the tube count. This is followed by two pages for selling tubes, two pages for batteries, followed by 6 pages (12 - 17) of record players and accessories. Pages 18 to 41 deal with sound systems icluding Talk-a-phone intercommunication system (page 29), microphones, loudspeakers and plugs etc. Test equipment is offered on page 42 through 54. Pges 55 through 96 offer all the necessary parts and tools and material for a service man or hobbyist. On the pages 97 to 103 we can see branded receivers like "National" (HRO), Hammarlund, Hallicrafters, McMurdo Silver, etc. including transmitter units or sub units, followed by such parts on pages 104 to the end. They include some Lafayette kits for amateurs, keys and accessories and even books and some more laborytory type RCA test equipment.


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