loewe-opta: WL; Skagen

ID: 193147
? loewe-opta: WL; Skagen 
26.Jun.09 13:18

Jean-Louis HEYD (F)
Articles: 31
Count of Thanks: 7

Hi again,

The valve of my LOEWE SKAGEN WL is not a 14NL as noticed in the RMORG description but with a 10NL. The relevant socket on the chassis is equipped with a 3 pins socket.


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26.Jun.09 20:02

Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014 (D)
Articles: 2333
Count of Thanks: 9
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Your Radio employs not only the 10NG (=RGN354) which can handle ca 25 mA, but also the 3NFW which draws a current of ca 20 mA.  Your radio is obviously an earlier version. It has been created now here.

The model here uses the 14NG (=RGN1064), a full-wave rectifier for 60-100 mA, since the 3NFL needs ca 35 mA for the output stage.

Quite a difference, isn't it?

The pictures have been moved to the right place.

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