Magic Eye 6UG5G
Magic Eye 6UG5G
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same tube different base

Hello Lars,
the 6U5 and the 6G5 are electrically identical to the 6U5G and 6G5G, but have a different base layout.
The right tube would therefore be one of the latter. 6UG5G is supposed to mean either U or G.
Following the Vademecum, a replacement would also be the Y61, Y62, Y63 or Y64 types(BVA designation).
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wrong conclusion

Dear Lars,
it troubles me to say that I was misled by my (obviously-not-so-thorough) research to conclude that the 6UG5G would not exist. I have to correct myself and point out that my above statement was mere 'guesswork' and not trustworthy fact. This relates to my interpretation that 6UG5G means either 6U.. or 6G..
So I stand corrected for the time being, but my doubts about the existance of a 6UG5G remain.
For the link that Jacob cites, I can say that this particular tube, while having a unique display, does not bear any markings except the AGA banderole. I have checked this with the owner of the set. So this does prove... nothing. There is also (as can be found by proper internet search) a swedish army material no. assigned to the 6UG5G, but we had that before with the RENS1244.
Until now, it remains a fact that most of the occurences of this tube type concentrate in the scandinavean area and especially Sweden. How many tube producing companies did we have there when this type was being sold?
Edit: Harald Jota has put up some more detailed pictures here. Thanks!
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Thank you
Dear Mark
That is the real spirit and I thank you for the effort to contact Harald Jota and his effort to contribute so well taken pictures of this "strange tube". Does he give you permission to use some of the pictures to put them to the tube?
You can keep your doubts until we get a good second source anyway ;-) This is always necessary since we all could generate a "new tube" by fake - for instance on a 1st of April. That happens again and again - specially in internet. As we know for the RENS1244 even official lists can bring errors too.
I still will move this to the 6UG5G and I hope that some Swedish friends or Scandinavien friends will give us further information.
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At least 8 schematics in the Thali schematic colletion list the 6UG5 - on some schematics its even precised "6USGG or 6U5/6G5". In addition 5 schematics refer to 12UG5 tubes.
Brands are Centrum and Luxor (both Swedish radio manufacturers).
Kind regards, Walter Haring
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The 6UG5G
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Hello all,
I can confirm that the 6UG5G exists. I just found one (probably used) in my collection.
It's got the marking "SER 6UG5G Made In Sweden" on the glass.
Of course I can upload pictures of it.
Best Regards
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I have also enquired on the TCA mailing list and got a few responses, but no definitive confirmation from there. That's no surprise however since this association is more US oriented. One of their members pointed out that the tube is listed on Ake Holm's tube data CD.
Harald Jota has given his permission to publish his pictures of the 6UG5G.
It was interesting to track down this type. Thanks to all!
Best regards,
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