mullardaus: MAS 113 or 1113 X
ID: 425456
This article refers to the model: MAS1113X (Mullard Radio Company (Australia) Ltd.; Sydney)
? mullardaus: MAS 113 or 1113 X
09.Oct.17 11:58
Dear Forum,
A radio is titled Mullard MAS113X in Radiomuseum and the Historical Radio Society Australia AORSM summary (1951, page 181). The closest Mullard information I have found refers to a model 1113X (attached) and it has the same valve line up. I do not have access to the AORSM, could they be the same radio and either 113 or 1113 is incorrect?
Attachments:- MAS 1113 X Front Page (46 KB)
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mullardaus: MAS 113 or 1113 X
12.Oct.17 05:29
77 from 1218
MAS 113X is incorrect & should read MAS 1113X. It is a rebadged Philips 133A. The source of this error is from the AORSM manual volume 10, page 118. I suggest that you change it to its correct designation.
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