mil: Torn.Fu.f , electroluminescent crystal

ID: 159630
mil: Torn.Fu.f , electroluminescent crystal 
26.Feb.08 19:55

Emilio Ciardiello (I)
Articles: 526
Count of Thanks: 7
Emilio Ciardiello

Hello to everyone.

In the mid sixties I owned a couple of German transceivers Torn. Fu. f, I believe: in the early seventies I was so stupid to throw away all the tube equipment I owned and today I cannot be sure of the model. But I still remember they used a strange crystal resonator, very similar to a glass vacuum tube, which became greenish at the resonance. In the years I did not saw anymore a similar device, nor I was able to find any reference of its data or of its operating principles.

Can anybody give me some info about this fascinating and forgotten device?


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Leuchtquarz fuer Sende_Empfaenger  
26.Feb.08 20:04

Hans M. Knoll (D)
Articles: 2117
Count of Thanks: 6
Hans M. Knoll


You search for "Leuchtquarz"  see here: 

and also key into  "search" here in Rmorg. "Leuchtquarz"  to get more articles about that.

mfG Knoll

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26.Feb.08 20:50

Emilio Ciardiello (I)
Articles: 526
Count of Thanks: 8
Emilio Ciardiello

Dear Hans,

many thanks; for the first time in so many years I found a lot of information on this otherwise unknown device, also including its operating principle.



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26.Feb.08 20:54

Hans M. Knoll (D)
Articles: 2117
Count of Thanks: 7
Hans M. Knoll