minerva: MW30; Minerphon

ID: 146958
minerva: MW30; Minerphon 
12.Aug.07 20:58

Georges Van Campenhout † 28.4.22 (B)
Articles: 206
Count of Thanks: 6

Dear all,


visiting the Olens Radiomuseum (Belgium), I discovered a radio that looks very similar to the MW30. It carries no manufacturing label, the front gives only the letters BNS.

There is one tube missing, the tree others are


  • B409 (Philips)
  • 4G30 (TE KA DE)
  • tube n° 3 has a top screw connection but unfortunately it lost all of its its gray shielding painting. I think that I can read on the remains RENSxxxx...


  • is this a real MW30?
  • What does BNS mean?
  • The tube line-up according to RM Org is different, but contains NO tube with screw top mounting. 
  • what is the brand of the large capacitor at the right?
  • can anyone upload a copy of the circuit diagram?

Please see pictures


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12.Aug.07 21:08

Hans M. Knoll (D)
Articles: 2166
Count of Thanks: 5
Hans M. Knoll

Hello Mr.Van  Campenhout

please look here:


maybe not exact the same model, but the Company in Nuremberg.

regards H.M. Knoll

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13.Aug.07 19:07

Georges Van Campenhout † 28.4.22 (B)
Articles: 206
Count of Thanks: 4

Dear Mr Knoll,


thank you for your answer. This has allowed us to identify the set.

It is indeed a Lumophon, only the label at the left of the radio is missing, and I think it has no original tubes.

The case of the Olens Museum radio in not in wood, but in pressed paper.



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13.Aug.07 20:01

Hans M. Knoll (D)
Articles: 2166
Count of Thanks: 6
Hans M. Knoll

Dear Mr. Van Campenhout.

I am glad that I could help you.

regards Hans M. Knoll

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