motogb: 828;
? motogb: 828;
I recently uploaded several photographs of the Motorola 828 together with comments and notes which I hoped would be helpful to other RM members, in the process pointing out that these radios are identical to the Radiomobile 970/980 series, and am wondering why this data has not yet appeared on the relevant pages. The pictures were taken by me during a repair work I am undertaking on a Motorola 828, and include views of the Printed Circuit Boards, Tuner, etc., and,, as far as I am aware, do not infringe anyone's copyrights. Are my photos & notes likely to appear soon?
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Hallo Herr Goscombe
Sie haben am 28.04.2015 6 Modell-Bilder auf die Firmenseite geladen. Die wurden vom Bildadmin gelöscht. Bitte laden sie Modellbilder immer auf die zugehörige Modellseite.Bitte laden sie die Bilder noch einmal hoch, da wir Firmenbilder nicht auf Modellseiten verschieben können.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Hello Mr.Goscombe
You have loaded on 04/28/2015 6 model images on the company side. Have been deleted from the image Admin. Please always load model pictures on the corresponding model page.
Please upload the images again because we can not move on Mödellseiten Companies images.
Sincerely yours
Albert Weiss
To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.