New: Electronics, A McGraw-Hill Publication (Start 1930)

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New: Electronics, A McGraw-Hill Publication (Start 1930) 
25.Nov.19 11:37

Achim Dassow (CH)
Articles: 92
Count of Thanks: 15

Dear Members and Visitors of Radiomuseum,

In view of having aquired a larger number of volumes of the well known “Electronics“ Magazine i would like to present this source of Information to all members and visitors of Radiomuseum too.

That is why i have begun to scan and insert Front Covers as well as Lists of Contents to the Literature Finder. This Project will take a lot of time, so i'm able to present further Volumes only step by step. For this i'm asking for patience if some delay will happen.
Unfortunately not in every bound Volume the Front Covers have been included, so that instead the first inner page (after the ad pages) has to be a substitute.
Despite this i think the magazine will still be of interest, at least because of the containing Index per distribution.

The leading editorial to the first distribution of April, 1930 has been written by:

  • O.H. Caldwell, former Federal Radio Commissioner
  • Franklin S. Irby, Ph. D.
  • Keith Henney, M.A., also known by his later published Books
  • Lee DeForest, Ph.D. , Inventor of the three electrode tube

The editors have presented timely messages from the following seven great pioneers and leaders who laid the foundations of the electron tube:
Thomas A. Edison

  • Dr. Lee DeForest
  • Prof. J. Ambrose Fleming, Inventor of the Rectifier Tube
  • Dr. R.A. Millikan, from Caltech Institute
  • H.P. Davis, President of Westinghouse Electric Co.
  • Dr. W.R. Whitney, Vice President of General electric Co., Director Research Laboratory
  • Dr. Frank B. Jewett, President of Bell Telephone Laboratories

Besides editorial contributions there have been also following categories:
News from the Industry
News from the electronic Field
Patents in the field of Electronics
A large amount of Ads (in later, much bigger Volumes partly no longer included)

later on more categories appeared like:
New Products
Production techniques
Electrons at work (Applications Section)

And here is the editorial of the first distribution of the Electronics Magazine, April, 1930:

NEARLY fifty years ago Edison made a discovery now recognized as the most epochal in all his eventful career. Working on his incandescent lamp, he found a faint stream of electricity from the hot filament, flowing across the vacuum.

There the basic phenomenon of electronics stood revealed. But the great inventor was busy with many problems. And so, for a generation, the famous "Edison effect" remained a mere scientific curiosity. Finally, Fleming in England and DeForest in American harnessed this feeble electron action and put it to work-Fleming in his rectifying valve ; DeForest in his revolutionizing three-electrode tube whose "grid" control opened up new worlds of possibilities in communication.

The way once pointed, inventors, physicists and engineers rushed in, until today a far-Hung army numbering thousands of workers is engaged in all the diverse fields of electronic applications, in laboratories around the world.

ALREADY billion-dollar industries are built upon the vacuum tube-in telephony, in radio, in talking pictures, and in power applications. Electronics revolutionized the first three. And in the power field it is now affording an entirely new engineering approach to electrical problems of every kind. For although the electrical engineering of the past was built almost wholly upon the single principle of electro magnetic induction, the electrical designer of today finds he now has a second string to his bow electronics-and that in electronic apparatus he commands a medium
paralleling magnetic-induction in importance, and its equal in wide adaptability, whether for control or for heavy-duty uses.

All of these diverse applications of the electron tube will, of course, further expand and multiply. And a thousand
new uses are coming in increasing volume. The engineering complexity of the situation grows. Specialists are working intensely in their own fields. New developments are coming from unexpected quarters. Chemistry and physics continually uncover new electronic methods and uses. One industry after another provides new ingenuities which can be used elsewhere.

FOR this vital, pulsing electronic art a clearinghouse is needed-an engineering journal that Will gather together these widespread activities; chronicle scientific and industrial advances abroad and here, and provide practical usable information which can be put to work. Such a journal must have scientific vision to look above and beyond the present; it must be courageous and devoted in its stand for progress and for expanding applications.

And it must be independent in its editorial and publishing administration, giving due regard to the rights of established groups which have pioneered along the electronic path and prospered, and also to the rights and opportunities deserved by those independent inventors and developers who will help make the next decade even more brilliant and productive than the past. In short,
Electronics must be a forum for discussion of all points of view-it must serve as a camp-fire around which all may gather for counsel and for exchange of the best thought of the electronic industries.

The art of the electron tubes goes forward to great and greater achievements. To the engineers and executives in all the ramified branches of electronics, the editors and publishers pledge a service worthy of this field of unparalleled opportunity.

Electronics“ has been published between 1930 and 1995
Executive Editors have been:

  1. 1930-1937 Keith Henney
  2. 1938-1952 Donald Fink
  3. 1953-1963 W.W. MacDonald
  4. 1964-19?? Lewis H. Young

Electronics was published by McGraw-Hill until 1988, when it was sold to the Dutch company VNU, later then to Penton Publishing

Beside the scanned Titlepage there is also the corresponding content Page included.
To all readers i wish they'll enjoy the stuff.
Further Volumes will follow step by step.


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