New Zealand Radio licences in Force at Dec. 31, 1937
New Zealand Radio licences in Force at Dec. 31, 1937
Auckland | C'terbury | Otago | Wellington | Total | |
Receivers | 88,821 | 51,221 | 37,737 | 99,464 | 277,243 |
Dealers | 466 | 234 | 177 | 456 | 1,333 |
Experimental (Amateur) | 269 | 191 | 128 | 431 | 1.010 |
Experimental (Research) | 1 | 1 | |||
Multiple | 2 | 4 | 3 | 9 | |
Special | 5 | 2 | 7 | ||
Free | 269 | 138 | 122 | 255 | 784 |
Totals | 89,823 | 51,788 | 38,164 | 100,612 | 230,387 |
Extracts from N.Z. Radio Regulations.
Radio receiving licences cost £ 1/ 5/- per annum.
Temporary licences can be obtained for 10/- per week of 7 days or fraction thereof.
All licences expire on March 31 of each year. Licences obtained within three months of March 31 have to pay the additional 12 months' licence at 2/1 per calendar month.
Free licences are issued to blind persons, to institutions, homes, and asylums for blind persons, and to schools, hospitals, and charitable institutions.
It is an offence against the Regulations for any receiving set to be in an oscillating condition, to the detriment of reception by other licensees.
The N.Z. Radio Regulations cover over 65 pages of printed matter.
The radio dealers' licences are divided into five classes, Class 1, 2, 3, and 5 are issued to persons to respect of a fixed place of business. Persons wishing to carry on business in more than one fixed place, shall obtain additional licence. Licences of Class 4 are for issue to individual dealers not having a fixed place of business.
Class 5 licence may be issued to a person engaged in the repair and servicing of radio apparatus, and will entitle him to sell or offer for sale apparatus to be used in the repair and servicing of radio sets, such repairs and servicing to be carried out by the licence holder. Every radio licensed dealer shall exhibit for external observation a sign bearing the words, "Licensed Radio Dealer."
Radio dealers' licence for Class 1 costs £15 per annum, Class 2 £7/10/- p.a., Class 3 £2 p.a., Class 4 £15 p.a., Class 5 £5/5/- p.a
Australian Radio Trade Annual 1938, Page 78.
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