nordmende: 1/616; Caruso-Stereo
nordmende: 1/616; Caruso-Stereo
Robert Sarbell
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Cu -Wire in Filament -Cicuit off Tubes
Hello Robert,
nice to meet you.
Here my answer:
This 0,2 mm Cu wire, is the "Fuse" to protect the Cu-connections " Leiterbahn" on the Printed Board. The Power Transformer is able to deliver more then 20 Amps in this case: a Tube makes an Shorting inside of the Bulb, or the Condensor C 136 on the EABC80 have a shorting.
The high current from Transformer destroys the only 35 um Cu -Foils on the PC-Board.
The 0.2 mm Cu Wire in the Set, prepare a <designed disconnection> (in german = Sollbruchstelle) to prevent this Trouble.
I hope you understand. In Grundig Sets you can find this Versions off Fuses
Greadings from Frankonia, Hans M. Knoll
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Fused protection of Printed Circuit board
Thank you so much, I fully understand the rationale. I have not worked with many tube radios that use the printed circuit boards. Most always the point-to-point wiring connections of the older receivers.
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