nsf: PHILIPS 284A, need help

ID: 142620
nsf: PHILIPS 284A, need help 
12.Jun.07 03:08

José Bustos (RCH)
Articles: 40
Count of Thanks: 10
José Bustos

Dear Sirs:

I will really appreciate your help in order to get the schematic for this radio. The case is similar to PHILIPS 470A that appears on RMorg, but has an additional valve, the EF8. Perhaps is a model built it for America?

Best regards,




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12.Jun.07 04:17

Bruno Gandolfo-Canepa (RCH)
Articles: 121
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Bruno Gandolfo-Canepa

Estimado José,

Creo que el circuito que usted necesita corresponde a el model 284A (1939), similar en el gabinete a el modelo 470A, y no al modelo H284A (1950), desde donde usted ha iniciado el forum.

PHilips 284A

Como este modelo no está actualmente en nuestra base de datos, sugiero que usted proponga la PH 284A como nuevo modelo y entonces solicite el schematics.

Personalmente estoy haciendo algunas gestiones para conseguir el circuito y luego subirlo cuando el modelo esté en la base de datos.

De esta forma todos los miembros podrán beneficiarse con el nuevo modelo y circuito.

Cordiales saludos,


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12.Jun.07 06:06

Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22 (USA)
Articles: 358
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Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22

Estimado Jose y caro amico Bruno,

It is possible that Jose may be looking for the schematic of the Philips model 284 which was produced in or for the South American countries. . . . the model AL284U was the 1939 production in Argentina which used the tubes having the EF8 - as Jose has stated.

It is quite possible that the schematic presently exists; but it could have a variantion of the number for it. . . .the Circuitos de Philips identified only the radios by "ciruit designators" with beginning number that identified the number of tubes - to include regulators.

PD: Our member Mario Coelho has posted the tech data page for the Philips AL284U - if that data agrees with the specific radio that Jose has acquired. 

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nsf: PHILIPS 284A, need help 
12.Jun.07 19:41

José Bustos (RCH)
Articles: 40
Count of Thanks: 9
José Bustos

Estimado Robert:

Thank you for your soon answer. I will take a look to Philips AL284U.

Best regards,



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nsf: PHILIPS 284A, need help 
12.Jun.07 20:21

José Bustos (RCH)
Articles: 40
Count of Thanks: 9
José Bustos

Estimado Bruno:

Qué agrado saber que tengo un compatriota seguidor de esta linda afición!! Tengo una pequeña colección de radios de antes de 1940 y me gusta restauralas.

Esta Philips 284A ya esta tocando pero con poco volumen. Reemplacé capacitores electrolíticos, probé válvulas, así que ahora debo afinar su performance. El esquemático sería de gran ayuda, ya que es un modelo bastante "estrecho" para intervenir.

Gracias por las indicaciones de uso del sitio. Me pierdo un poco. Hoy subí la proposición de nuevo modelo.

Un gran saludo,

José, Santiago, Ñuñoa, Chile

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13.Jun.07 00:41

Bruno Gandolfo-Canepa (RCH)
Articles: 121
Count of Thanks: 7
Bruno Gandolfo-Canepa

Estimados José y Gran amigo Roberto,

El modelo Philips 284A es un modelo similar (short Superheterodyne) a el  470A, donde se agregó una etapa amplificadora para RF (EF8), una segunda banda en onda corta (SW2) y un tercer control anterior, probablemente the waveband switch.

 Es muy probable que ambos modelos fueron producidos por Philips fuera de Holanda pero no en Argentina. He visto el modelo en coleccionistas de Czechoslovakia, Italia, Austria y Sud-Africa.

José, creo que será de utilidad para tu restauración bajar el schematics de la 470A mientras conseguimos el original para la 284A.

Afectuosos saludos,



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13.Jun.07 02:37

José Bustos (RCH)
Articles: 40
Count of Thanks: 8
José Bustos

Estimado Bruno:

Precisamente usé el esquemático de la 470A, para efectuar reparaciones preliminares.

Gracias por tu ayuda,


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14.Jun.07 17:08

José Bustos (RCH)
Articles: 40
Count of Thanks: 7
José Bustos


Ha sido aceptado el modelo 284A. Ojalá me puedas ayudar con el esquemático, porque la radio ha sido intervenida y al parecer tiene cambios en su diseño primero. Mi propósito es dejarla según el original. 



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Please check the designation of this model. 
14.Jun.07 20:44

Ernst Erb (CH)
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Ernst Erb

I stick to the "flag-language", English:

I have moved this thread to the model from Argentina.

Robert Sarbell told us that this model is called AL284A and not 284A.
Can you please check on your radio, dear José.

Please tell us here and take action if necessary on the model. Only if we do the follow up for such hints we get results.

Can somebody load up the schematic - and pictures?
Thank you for your cooperation. Would be nice to have more models from Argentina - not only if help is needed   ;-)

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14.Jun.07 21:40

Bruno Gandolfo-Canepa (RCH)
Articles: 121
Count of Thanks: 8
Bruno Gandolfo-Canepa

Dear Ernst,

I respectfully disagree.

The model uploaded by José is not the Argentinean AL284U ( EF8 EK2 EF9 CBL1 CY1).

He are restoring and uploaded the Philips 284A. (EF8 EK2 EF9 ABL1 AZ1). The model has a similar cabinet and schematics to 470A. The differences between the models I have commented in post No.6

I asked the schematics to a best friend in South Africa. I hope to be able upload the sch. immediately  I received in the next days.

Cordially, Bruno.


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14.Jun.07 21:44

José Bustos (RCH)
Articles: 40
Count of Thanks: 12
José Bustos

Dear Mr. Erb:

My radio is a PHILIPS 284A. Yesterday I sent to Mr. Bernd P. Kieck a picture shown the plate. Today my proposition of this new model was accepted on RMorg.

Following the Robert Sarbell and Bruno Gandolfo's recommendations, I am using meanwhile the schematics of PHILIPS AL284U and PHILIPS 470A. At less are useful for basic reparations.

When we get the schematic for PHILIPS 284A, I will be able to restore to the original layout my radio, which was badly modified in the past.

Thanks for your help and interest,

Jose Bustos


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15.Jun.07 02:00

Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22 (USA)
Articles: 358
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Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22

My comments are addressed to the principals who have entered observations - Mr Ernest Erb, and members Jose Bustos, my esteemed friend Bruno Gandolfo; and also to the gentleman who has not entered the discussions yet, Mario Coelho.

I believe as Bruno has stated that the radio in question may very well NOT be identified as a Philips Argentina model since a number of them beginning in the late 1930s have the prefix "AL". However, there have already been a few irregularities with this apparent fixed model identification pattern.

Our gracious member from Portugal, Mario Coelho may have the complete listings for the Philips models in South America. These listings may (or may not) include the country 2-letter prefixes. Some models with the "AL" prefixes which identify Argentina as the country of origin - have the technical data provided by an office not in Argentina!

Typically, the model listing provides the model "number and type of power supply" - the country prefix is not assigned in the "Revista Telegrafica" master index of radios.

I also believe there is a complete listing (based upon my extensive observations) which is available from some member (or members) in South America of the models produced or assembled for Philips  - or its licensees - in  some of those countries.

I am still attempting to corroborate a theory that I have been working to explain the brief period in which Philips used the peculiar model identifications - or types or Tipos.

We have seen the prefixes of AL, BR, and CM and VN and possibly one or more other "2-letter" designations.

At the present time, I believe the data for Jose Bustos' model 284A in the Philips Argentina data base is in error!!

NOTE: The technical data sheet for the Philips model AL284U is listed as a receiver produced in South America , but does not discuss the correlation of the "AL" prefix to production within a specific country . . .however, at the top of the data sheet it specifically states " (Diagram and technical data: courtesy of S.A. Philips of Brazil). . . . . . . .

And we presently have a number of Philips Brazil models listed in our database as model "BRxxx"


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284A versus AL284U 
18.Jun.07 02:23

Mario Coelho (P)
Articles: 451
Count of Thanks: 12
Mario Coelho

Dear Gentlemen,

Reading the AL284U schematic, in "Notas de Serviço Philips" is written in Portuguese:

"This set (AL284U) is an universal AC/DC supply version of MOD. 284A comprising its same bands". 

This Philips Service documents were produced by Philips-Brasil but it doesn't mean that this sets were made in Brasil.I believe that Philips-Brasil sold also Models made in another countries as many other Philips Representatives around the world. 


Mário Coelho

GR: very sorry, but I had to adjust picture width from 890 to 560 pixels - please read this, thank you.


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nsf: PHILIPS 284A, need help 
18.Jun.07 17:42

José Bustos (RCH)
Articles: 40
Count of Thanks: 11
José Bustos

Dear Sirs:

Thanks to Mr. Pieter de Kock from South Africa, I have the schematic of this radio Philips 284A. He is owner of one 284A. He allow me to upload the documents and they are in RMorg database now.

Mr. de Kock  thinks the Philips 284A and other models have been produced in Holland and exported to South Africa, South America and Australasia.

This sounds reasonable. Let me know your opinion in order to propose the change to the model from Argentina to Holland, like origin country.

Best regards,

José Bustos

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19.Jun.07 00:15

Bruno Gandolfo-Canepa (RCH)
Articles: 121
Count of Thanks: 10
Bruno Gandolfo-Canepa

Estimado José,

Usted ha sido más rápido y eficiente para subir el esquema que nos envió el amable Pieter, especialista en modelos Philips de exportación.

Creo prudente la sugerencia que la 284 A no es un modelo producido en Argentina, sin embargo éste no aparece en el catálogo general de los modelos Philips fabricados en Eindhoven. Debemos documentar el origen de fabricación para poder modificar el campo.

Puedes aportar una foto inferior del chasis y close up del dial.

Que disfrutes la restauración,



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19.Jun.07 00:42

José Bustos (RCH)
Articles: 40
Count of Thanks: 12
José Bustos


Se confirma que el mundo es pequeño. Dos chilenos con el mismo contacto en Sudáfrica.

Con la ayuda de Pieter de Kock la radio ya está funcionando muy bien en AM. Requería el reemplazo de una resistencia y el ajuste de las bobinas de F.I. Sin embargo las dos bandas de OC tienen muy bajo nivel de salida (notoriamente más bajo con respecto al nivel AM). En esto estoy entretenido ahora.

Te enviaré cuanto antes las fotografías que me solicitas.

Una pregunta ¿cómo se sube el Manual de Servicio de esta radio a RMorg, si está en .pdf?

Gracias y saludos,

José Bustos

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Philips document 
19.Jun.07 00:56

Mario Coelho (P)
Articles: 451
Count of Thanks: 9
Mario Coelho

Dear Bruno,

Maybe this help to this discussion. 

The 284A schematic document (already uploaded in Rmorg) was edited  by Philips Eindhoven . See the fist page at bottom at left.

This document is an official document from Philips Eindhoven.

Saludos Cordialles

Mário Coelho

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19.Jun.07 02:41

José Bustos (RCH)
Articles: 40
Count of Thanks: 12
José Bustos


Adjunto fotografías solicitadas. No soy muy bueno como fotógrafo, pero usando zoom se puede ver detalles.

¿Cuál es tu opinión respecto de lo observado por Mario Coelho?


José Bustos


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19.Jun.07 02:20

Bruno Gandolfo-Canepa (RCH)
Articles: 121
Count of Thanks: 12
Bruno Gandolfo-Canepa

Estimado José,

Puedes subir el Manual de Servicio completo como páginas independientes como lo has hecho con el schematic, previa transformación a .png o .gif.

Las fotos del chasis y dial  puedes subirlas también an la opción "añadir información al modelo/forum"-pictures.

Dear Mario,

You has been very observer and kind again as always.  Thank you so much.

Now Jose can suggest a change in the field "fabricante/Marca" by Philips, Eindhoven.

Best regards, Bruno.

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19.Jun.07 02:59

José Bustos (RCH)
Articles: 40
Count of Thanks: 13
José Bustos

Dear Sirs:

Thanks very much of all. With your help we know the origin country of this radio.

We have now the schematics on RMorg and the radio is going to play very well. I am really enjoying the restoration.

Thanks again and best regards,

José Bustos

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