paillard: Will a Paillard be?

ID: 206113
This article refers to the model: 413OC (Paillard AG; St. Croix)

? paillard: Will a Paillard be?  
24.Nov.09 23:42

Júlio Branco (P)
Articles: 201
Count of Thanks: 9
Júlio Branco


 Hi all radiophiles,

They offered me this radio, I judge to be a Paillard the schematic that is here coincides with the circuit of the radio, it has the same valves, and the onlooker is that he has a label in paper glued in the chassis, with they can verify in the pictures that I present. The cabinet is totally made in sheet iron.

In the dial glass he can see that it has in blue “Blue Star.” Will the name of the model be and is the number 413 model number? Or will the manufacturer be “BLUE STAR?”

See the pictures:

Thank you for your collaboration,


Júlio Branco


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Paillard and the models with metal cabinet 
25.Nov.09 14:36
49 from 5392

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5747
Count of Thanks: 11
Ernst Erb

When you look at the picture gallery for Paillard, you will see some similar models like this model 413. I see there that Paillard started this type of cabinet in 1936 with the model 20 and 25. Later it was the model 39 with already the same scale and type of chassis in respect of the knobs. In 1938 there is also an export version "Export" 38 - but with an other chassis (see the knobs) in the very similar cabinet.

Also the model 29 from 1939 has a metal cabinet but quite a different concept for a most cheap radio in high quality. The scale is sitting on the shaft of the tuning condenser, rotating with it. This disk is operated by hand at the right side of the set - no knob for station finding. The follower of this was Volksradio 411.

Also in 1939 came the Paillard 402 (broadcast and long waves onnly) with the same cabinet and chasssis type but 6J8G, 6D6, 75, EL3 and 80 of this model in question here - as also model 403M (M stands for metal case) with thre wave bands (incl. SW). The same radio could be bought in wood.

In 1940/41 the model 415 and 415A in a similar metal housing have an other chassis (see knobs).

The 413OC fits into 1940/41, using other tubes (of what was available at that time) than Paillard 402. Without doubt you can load your pictures to the Paillard 413OC. We will have to wait until somebody will know more about "BlueStar". More would be pure speculation - like: It could be for the French speaking market and OC could mean short wave (ondes courtes). Blue Star could be a label of a reseller.

By uploading the pictures you can write in the picture legend that we bring further notice about BlueStar in this thread. Thank you for uploading the pictures. One model less without pictures ...

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Confirmation and Thanks 
26.Nov.09 16:02
107 from 5392

Júlio Branco (P)
Articles: 201
Count of Thanks: 9
Júlio Branco

Hi friend Radiophile Esnst,

Thank you for your quick clarification on the radio Paillard. I was with my knowledge on this richer matter.

When making the repair of radio I came across the original components of it is own manufacture Paillard, eg electrolytic capacitor that I present here in this forum.



No doubting of your explanations, there is no doubt that actually it is a radio whose manufacturer is Paillard and the proof, as they say; it is proved that these and other unique components that radio still have.

Soon I will upload the photos in Rmorg.

Again, thank you for your attention on this issue.


Best Regards

Júlio Branco

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Capacitor manufacturer is FRIBOURG 
30.Nov.09 12:45
166 from 5392

Georg Richter (D)
Articles: 916
Count of Thanks: 8
Georg Richter

Allow me to object:

The shown capacitor is not made by "Paillard", but by "CONDENSATEURS FRIBOURG S.A."  in the town Fribourg, Switzerland.




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Thank you 
18.Dec.09 16:45
264 from 5392

Júlio Branco (P)
Articles: 201
Count of Thanks: 9
Júlio Branco

Hello Georg,

Thank you very much for your explanation


 Júlio Branco


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