perpetuum: Perpetuum Ebner Rex Deluxe

ID: 132737
This article refers to the model: Rex Deluxe (Perpetuum-Ebner (PE); St.Georgen)

perpetuum: Perpetuum Ebner Rex Deluxe 
04.Feb.07 02:47

Robert Sottile (USA)
Articles: 7
Count of Thanks: 4

This record changer is part of the Blaupunkt console radio-phono combination (New York Model, 1960/61) which I have been restoring.  I need a spindle (Part No. 13200, 7 mm dia.) in order to make the record changer functional.  The spindle is the kind which has curved spring steel "fingers" which pull into the spindle body in order to allow the record to drop to the platter.  Does anyone have a spare which they would be willing to sell?  If not, can anyone recommernd a dealer in Europe (or the U.S.) who might have such spindle for sale?

Robert Sottile

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Perpetuum Rex - Stapelachse 
05.Feb.07 23:22

Hilmer Grunert (D)
Articles: 392
Count of Thanks: 2
Hilmer Grunert

Hello Robert,

see here at my post number 5:

Perpetuum Rex

If it is the spindel you need, please send me a mail with Your Adress.

I´ll send it to you - you only pay the shipping costs.

Greetings from Germany


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22.Feb.07 17:24

Robert Sottile (USA)
Articles: 7
Count of Thanks: 5

Hello Hilmer:  I had lost hope that someone would answer my message.  Thank you for your kind response.  The picture in post number 5 does not look like my spindle.  Here is a picture of the Rex spindle:



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