Philco Argentina - Models of 1935

ID: 205812
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? Philco Argentina - Models of 1935 
22.Nov.09 05:07

Mario Bermejo (RA)
Articles: 237
Count of Thanks: 15
Mario Bermejo

Dear Friends: I am posting here a sales brochure for the Philco Argentina models of 1935.

This document contains/displays the following models:

Page 2: (from left to right and top to bottom)

Junior 160-B which is described as an AC model and 162-B which is for DC. The description introduces one more model which is the 160-B.O. but no indication as to what the diffference is between this and the -B suffix. These models are described as having tone control and AVC. 5 tubes.

Junior 184. Smallest of the family, 5 tubes.

Junior 89. 6 tubes. A great seller for its low price and great tone and selectivity.

14X: displayed here with a cabinet called "Gran Concierto" This cabinet is different from the one we display for the USA Philco model 14X although the chassis seems to be the same. The description says that it can be provided with the following cabinets: LOW BOY, GRAN CONCIERTO and RADIO-FONOGRAFO.

Junior 18 for AC - 47 and 49 for DC: Described as an 8 tube superhet with AVC, 4 point tone control and great audio quality.

Page 3: (from left to right and top to bottom)

Radiofonógrafo (radio-phonograph) 14-X and 16-X for AC and 47-X or 49-X for DC. The description for the 47-X and 49-X  is on the lower right side of the page and it is described  as a 9 tube superhet with a voltage regulator tube and output power similar to AC models.

Radiofonógrafo 26-L: 6 tube superhet, the speaker is installed on top of the chassis on this model, and this is done for "acoustic reasons". Under the top, there is an electric phonograph with two speeds (33 and 78).

Receptor a Baterías Modelo 38: 6 tube superhet designed to run on batteries. The B and C batteries are provided on a single block that can be connected to the radio with a single multi-pin connector, which eliminates the risk of burning tubes due to incorrect connection of the batteries.

Para Equipos de 32 Volts. Modelo 32: designed for areas with 32, 40 or 55 Volts DC mains. 6 tube superhet with AVC and vibrator power supply.

Lowboy 16-L, Gran Concierto 16-X
Here is where the brochure is confusing, there seems to be no descritpion for these models because the paragraph on the lower left describes the 162-B and 162-B.O.


Page 4:

Recepciones Extranjeras (long distance reception)

Junior 32  for 32 Volts DC, model 144 AC and model 34 DC. Below the picture there is the description for the model  144 which means "junior 32" is just the name of the cabinet. The 144 is a 6 tube AC superhet with short wave bands as well as BC, AVC and the dial light changes with the band selector.

Para Corriente Contínua. Model 49: 8 tube superhet with voltage regulator tube and two bands.

Model 34 see picture for Junior 32: 8 tube superhet with double dial, AVC and 4 point tone control, batteris B and C provided on a single block.

Junior 16 the models 16, 16-L and 16X are described under the picture of the Junior 16 model, again I tend to believe Junior 16 is the name given to the cabinet. 11 tube superhet.,


No model name or number is provided.Aviation dial that can be installed in three different positions, which makes it adaptable to any type of car.


We should discuss here whether we should upload these models under the Philco Argentina manufacturer, although I do not have any hard evidence that these models were in fact manufactured in Argentina and if so, we still have very little data as not even tube layouts are provided. Also if you compare these models with the corresponding ones under Philco USA, some are the same and some others are not. This is puzzling to say the least and a source of confusion.

For those of you interested in taking a closer look, here we have some high resolution scans:

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Thank you!


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Philco argentina 
24.Nov.09 17:15
65 from 6249

Jose Vigil (RA)
Articles: 62
Count of Thanks: 15
Jose Vigil

Estimado Mario.


Muchas gracias por compartir esta información.

Repasando la misma, da la impresión que los modelos siguen los originales de su pais de origen, en cuanto a tiempo. Esto podria significar que los equipos eran importados en su casi totalidad y aquí solo se hacia la adaptación para el suministro electrico de 220 tanto en alterna como en continua.

Hay una amplia variedad de modelos que explica la existencia en el medio local de receptores Philco en la cantidad y variedad que se puede observar.

Ahora recuerdo que tiempo atrás, en casa de un colega amigo, vi una radio para baterias y me llamo la atención que la etapa de salida tenia una válvula 19 en conexión push pull. Viendo esta información, puede haber sido una Junior 34.


Cordiales saludos, Jose Vigil


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Philco Argentina 
24.Nov.09 19:16
78 from 6249

Hans Amberger (D)
Articles: 50
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Hans Amberger

Hi Mario,

today i found one Image from a Philco model 23X . It is with record player.

It looks very similar to your folder model on page 3.

Look yourself,



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26.Nov.09 04:54
117 from 6249

Mario Bermejo (RA)
Articles: 237
Count of Thanks: 16
Mario Bermejo

Hi Hans, what a gorgeous cabinet! Indeed it looks pretty much the same cabinet as the one for models 14-X / 16-X or 49-X in the brochure. I will see what else can I research on this.

It is obvious that Philco offered several cabinet options for some models. The brochure even hints this when it says "offered in the Junior cabinet".

What might not be so obvious is the opposite: perhaps we will find several models sharing one single cabinet. There must be some evidence of this somewhere.

Thank you


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26.Nov.09 04:58
119 from 6249

Mario Bermejo (RA)
Articles: 237
Count of Thanks: 16
Mario Bermejo

Hola José es un tema interesante porque existe gran confusión. Muchos coleccionistas sostienen que Philco conservaba el número de modelo original solo en aquellos receptores que eran importados ya armados en su totalidad. Para los montados o terminados localmente se usaba una numeración de modelos distinta. Algo parecido a lo que se ve en Philco Canadá. Vamos a ver que averiguamos. Un saludo


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Modelos de Argentina 
30.Nov.09 10:22
191 from 6249

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 20
Ernst Erb

Querido Mario
Ha subido un follete muy bonito. Gracias.

Quería ver a los modelos mirando Philco Argentina. Los modelos no pueden ser encontrados. ¿Cuál es la razón por favor?

Creo que es el más importante que nos muestran los diferentes modelos - especialmente si hay fotos ...

En este momento nos muestramos para el país Argentina 418 modelos de 37 fabricantes diferentes. Nada mal pero pienso que hay mucho mas.




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modelos de Philco Argentina 
05.Dec.09 22:22
255 from 6249

Mario Bermejo (RA)
Articles: 237
Count of Thanks: 15
Mario Bermejo

Hola estimado Ernst, gracias por los comentarios. No estoy seguro todavía si estos modelos eran o no fabricados en Argentina, por eso aún no los he propuesto. No quiero hacerlo hasta no tener mas información tanto sobre la fabricación como así también sobre la metodología utilizada para nombrar los modelos. La idea al mostrar este papel es ver si podemos aclarar las cosas.

Otro problema es que no tengo la serie de válvulas de ninguno de estos modelos con la excepción de uno de ellos, ni ningún otro dato a no ser el número total de válvulas según se indica en el folleto.



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