philco: C-5690 HR (C5690 HR)

ID: 182545
This article refers to the model: C-5690 HR (Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co.; USA)

? philco: C-5690 HR (C5690 HR) 
30.Jan.09 22:58

Rick Hirsh (USA)
Articles: 12
Count of Thanks: 15

This Philco Model C-5690 HR was the First ALL-TRANSISTOR car radio developed in 1955 and was used in the 1956 line of Chrysler Imperial cars (as an option). This radio also goes under the Model number "Mopar 914HR", which was Chrysler's numbering system of radio identification.

Does anyone have this particular radio in their collection and if yes, could you upload an actual picture of it to this site ??

Thanks Rick


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? First introduction date to the market 
24.Feb.09 10:16

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 10
Ernst Erb

Dear Rick
I hope you get results one day ;-)
You write that this all transistor car radio was developed in 1955. Do you know by any chance when it was introduced into the market? We don't rely on adds or anouncements which can be wrong but we would like to give the correct market introduction year. Did for instance deliver Chrysler its 1956 cars for Christmas 1955 - and with the installed radio?

I did now create the Mopar 914HR (just believing you ;-)
And I entered part of your interesting text directly to the model - something every member can do on his own. You are welcome to do that but I know one has to learn all this ... Thank you for your contribution.

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Motorola - Mopar 
13.May.09 19:59

Joe Sousa (USA)
Articles: 672
Count of Thanks: 12
Joe Sousa

Rick, Motorola also used the Mopar designation for it's car radios.

I looked for your number at

and, and the Beitman and Riders indeces, and did not find this particular mopar number for Motorola.

I imagine you have already done these searches.

A further search for HR at the Sams Photofact site returned these results:


347-8  CHRYSLER 842HR
348-8  CHRYSLER 844HR
348-9  CHRYSLER 910HR
351-11 CHRYSLER 912HR
352-9  CHRYSLER 916HR
388-8  CHRYSLER 917HR
379-10 CHRYSLER 918HR
379-10 CHRYSLER 919HR
388-8  CHRYSLER 920HR
388-8  CHRYSLER 921HR
419-9  CHRYSLER 924HR

Your 914HR is missing in this sequence.

Good luck,


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Early announcement on Electronics 
25.Jun.09 21:21

Emilio Ciardiello (I)
Articles: 526
Count of Thanks: 13
Emilio Ciardiello

I found an early announcement of this radio in Electronics – June, 1955. The article, on pages 7 and 8, talks of a joint design by Philco and Chrysler near to enter in production. A picture and some technical data are also given, see pics below.

Regards, Emilio




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1955 World's First All-Transistor car radio- Philco C-5690 
10.Oct.12 06:05
1134 from 4065

Rick Hirsh (USA)
Articles: 12
Count of Thanks: 13

Chrysler and Philco had developed and produced the "World's First All-Transistor car radio in 1955". This "Breaking News" was first announced in the April 28th 1955 Wall Street Journal newspaper. Chrysler had made this All-Transistor car radio Mopar model 914HR available as an "Option" in the fall time of 1955, for it NEW line of 1956 Chrylser and Imperial model cars. Chrysler had used the Mopar model 914HR, which was also Philco's model C-5690. Philco had originally re-designed the Mopar model 912HR, which was a 5-push button "Town and Country" AM radio, with an electronic signal-search touch bar tuning and contained 9 vacuum tubes inside. Philco decided to use this "exact" same radio and re-design the inside circuitry with (11) transistors and NO vacuum tubes, making it the Chrysler Mopar 914HR or Philco C-5690 All-Transistor car radio model. And if the customer had ordered Chryler's "optional" Highway Hi-Fi in-car record player, then Philco had added an extra transistor in its circuitry, which was used as an phono pre-amplifier (2N43), and making it a total of (12) transistors inside. The letters "HR" that is printed after the model number, stands for "High Road" and contains this extra or twelfth (2N43) transistor in its circuitry. This car radio's circuitry also included the "famous" Philco Surface Barrier Transistors, which were the World's First high-speed high-frequency transistors that were developed in 1953 by Philco, and could be designed for computer usage.

The Philco Model C-5690 HR (Mopar 914HR) All-Transistor car radio, was being produced by Philco in the Fall of 1955, for the "NEW " 1956 Chrysler and Imperial car models. Chrysler and Imperial 1956 car models went on sale and was available in its car dealership showrooms, on October 21st 1955. And the Philco Model C-5690 HR (Mopar 914HR) All-Transistor car radio was made an "Option" on its 1956 Chrysler and Imperial car models, for a price of $150.00.

This "Rare" highly engineered All-Transistor car radio, was short lived and by the end of 1956, Chrysler had discontinued this car radio model. Chrysler had decided that it would no longer make All-Transistors car radios available for its car models, during the rest of the 1950's. And Chrysler instead decided to use "Hybrid" car radios, which contained BOTH transistors and vacuum tubes inside.

I have also made a YouTube video, which shows this 1955 Philco All-Transistor car radio. This video also contains some Chrysler dealership promotional film clips, on introduction of some of its NEW Standard and Optional equipment, that became available in the fall of 1955, for its NEW line of 1956 Chrysler and Imperial car models. And finally, there is a "Rare" look at the radio's chassis, which shows all of its transistors and locations, is shown near the end of the YouTube video film.

[Image: PhilcoAll-TransistorcarradioYouTubevideothumbwheel.jpg]


YouTube Video URL Address - Just "Click" on it to watch .....


Thanks and I hope that everyone enjoys the above info and YouTube video.

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1955 World's First All-Transistor car radio- Philco C-5690 
12.Oct.12 06:11
1193 from 4065

Rick Hirsh (USA)
Articles: 12
Count of Thanks: 11

If you want to see the "actual" photos and other detailed information, on the 1955 Philco model C-5690 (Mopar 914HR), "World's First All-Transistor Car Radio that was Developed and Produced by Chrysler and Philco in 1955"....  Then go to the other Radiomuseum site location, which is listed Below and "Click" on it ....

Radiomuseum site location ...... Mopar 914-HR


Thanks and I hope that everyone enjoys the all of the information and the YouTube video.

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