philco: Transitone; PT-63

ID: 347397
? philco: Transitone; PT-63 
28.Apr.14 23:17

William Grossi (USA)
Count of Thanks: 7



I have a Philco PT-63 portable radio. I don't know what DC voltages are supposed to be supplied to it. Can anybody help. Thanks

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1.4 V + 90 V 
29.Apr.14 06:57
11 von 3844

Günther Stabe † 19.8.20 (D)
Articles: 377
Count of Thanks: 6
Günther Stabe † 19.8.20

After having a look at the schematic of the modell and the datasheets of the four tubes lineup a filament heating of 1.4 V (total consuming is 0.2 A if all tubes are o.k.) and 90 V for the plates will do.

Best regards,


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Combo battery pack 
29.Apr.14 09:43
21 von 3844

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1099
Count of Thanks: 5

If running it from a "battery eleiminator" use 1.35V +/- 0.05V absolute maximum tolerance for LT and 80V +/- 5V tolerance for HT.

You can make a replica pack with Alkaline "D" cells for LT and 10 x Layer type PP3 (6F22) for HT (not 6LR61 Alkaline),

If the 4 pin plug fits this, it was probably the original which may be replicated with 60 x AAA or possibly AA (I need to check size) for cheaper running than PP3/ 6F23

US Eveready NCC/UC 729 (1.5V & 90V)

(photo from eBay)

Size 713/16 x  27/32  x 327/32    (connector type 9, weight 2lb 7 oz)

I think the other 1.5/90 Combo packs for a 4 pin plug are too large for that set (758 and 759).

I can create a cover to print and box instructions as well as how to make the socket easily.


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Burgess and Eveready 1959 
29.Apr.14 14:41
41 von 3844

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1099
Count of Thanks: 7

My 1959 Burgess lists a Philco 40-PT-63 but no PT63, though a PT88. Not listed in 1959 Eveready

It says 4GA42 pack.

Eveready and Burgess agree this is a NEDA 47 or Eveready NCC W366 which is 1.5V (1.4V nominal) and 63V.

Same as Philco P41A4FL, RCA VS053

If it lists the Philco battery I can look it up.

Other combo 1.5V Philco packs listed are

4TZ60 = Eveready 729 (my 1st thought)

P816 = Eveready 759 (big as it's Farm Radio pack)

P89 = Eveready W-370 (1.5 & 60, seems unlikely)

The Ever Ready W-369 has no Philco part

The PT88 seems to be a series filament version to allow easier mains operation

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