philips: 199C
ID: 326909
This article refers to the model: Radioplayer All Transistor 199C (Philips Australia)
philips: 199C
11.Aug.13 04:39

The Parts list (2 pages uploaded under "Schematics") lists the changes between the 199A and 199C as the tuning gang, Dial Cursor and retaining spring, and the Dial Scale.
No references are apparent to the 199A other than in this pamphlet.
The 199C Tuning Gang appears to gave a different curvature to the earlier model, compressing the scale below 1000 kHz and expanding the upper end of the scale.
The schematic and parts lists uploaded, list no electrical differences between the 199A and the 199C but the 199 used the OC45 and OC44 transistors.
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