philips: 750A; Romanza
philips: 750A; Romanza

Dear Radiofriends,
I'm writing because I've here one Philips 750A.
I’m trying to restore it ,but several components are missing.
Maybe You have one 750A and You can help me taking a picture from the chassis' bottom or from the chassis's upside, to let me see how those components are like.
Do You be so kind to help me?
Thank You in advance.
Mário Coelho
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hello mario, my first reaction to ur project is to suggest u look out for a more complete version , and use the existing example for parts ,
on closer examination i notice from the radio models page , the rear view shows very little gear on the right hand side , so maybe not all that much is missing after all .
i notice u have the valve nos' marked on the chasis so u must have the valves , the radio model page giv es ek2 ,ef5, ebc3, ebl1, emi, az1. there are also alternatives listed incase u need replacements. i presume u also have the cabinet and back board ,hope ive been of some service to u , and good look with ur restoration, regards Maitiu,
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Components missing below

Hi Dear Maitiu,
Thank You for your prompt reply.
Yes. An out-put transf. is missing. I've to built one. But,
There are also some disconnected wires.
Some components are missing in chassis below.
That's why I need to see a magnified photo in detail.
Best Regards
Mário Coelho
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scheda tecnica
caro amico
ti invio la scheda tecnica del tuo apparecchio nella speranza che possa essererti utile.
Attachments:- 750A-29 (286 KB)
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