philips: 795A (795 A); - Mains AC -Waveband Selector ring

ID: 161699
philips: 795A (795 A); - Mains AC -Waveband Selector ring 
02.Apr.08 21:18

Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22 (USA)
Articles: 363
Count of Thanks: 5
Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22

Dear colleagues,

I have reviewed all of the front views of the 795A and 796A models which were submitted by Mr Erb (from manufacturers original sources) and all other members - even from the different countries of production.

My question relates to the actual position of the outer ring when the radio is in the "Off" position as shown by the indicator.

There seems to be 2 possible positions - unless some of the photos were taken when the waveband selector was actually in a position other than "Off".

It appears as though the alignment will be at the 7:30 - 1:30 clock position OR at the 9:00 - 3:00 oclock position.

The reason I ask. . . . If the radio had been "serviced" some many years ago, could the ring have been misaligned in such a manner as to avoid re-connecting to the power switch linkage??

Note:  I have not fully removed the chassis from the cabinet because there is some binding in the lower left portion of the knob assembly - however, the selector moves freely through all of the selections, but the AC off-on function does not occur!!

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Position of selector ring 
12.Aug.09 21:52

Torbjörn Forsman (S)
Articles: 175
Count of Thanks: 5

I have checked the position of the selector ring on my 796A (made in Holland), it is at the 7:30 - 1:30 position at power OFF, so one can say that the five positions are located symmetrically around 9:00 - 3:00 which means medium wave. Although that radio seems to have been serviced some time in the past, i think the chassis has never been removed from the casing.

I observed that now, after the radio has been standing unused for 15-20 years, the mains switch is unreliable, it does not always switch off.

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Selector ring positions 
14.Aug.09 15:51

Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22 (USA)
Articles: 363
Count of Thanks: 4
Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22

Hello Torbjorn,

I agree with your observation fully. . .the positions of my selector ring are as follows-in the clockwise rotation from the Off mode:

KW, then MW, then LW, and finally the Grammophone mode. The off-on switch has become freed from the "frozen" position after the lubricant had congealed from un-use. The mode indicator properly displays the mode in the small window - white OFF, Green KW*, White MW*, Red LW*, and the Grammo mode

I am very pleased with the results, except the volume level does not increase as much as I expected - that also may be attributed to an oxidation film on the control.

I was very fortunate to find a NOS Mazda ME41 tube for the original TV4 magic eye

NOTE: * The actual display shows the band in "meters" as shown on the dial glass



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