philips: 90AL290; Portable Receiver 290
ID: 326768
Este artículo se refiere al modelo: 90AL290 /00 /01 /40 /45 (Philips - Österreich)
philips: 90AL290; Portable Receiver 290
09.Aug.13 16:38

This model with 10 diodos and 2 TR (BF324 and BF451) - 2 IC (TDA1220 and TBA820)
AC- 110V and 220 Volts, and 50/60 Hz and 3,5 watts
Band FM 98-108 and 100-240
Band OM 550-1600
Altofalante-8 ohm/1 watt rms, max with distortion, not distortion max RMS is 0,700 Watts.
My model is Type 90AL290/01
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