philips: L1W22T (L 1 W 22 T); Nanette Versions

ID: 121980
philips: L1W22T (L 1 W 22 T); Nanette Versions 
24.Sep.06 16:53

Marc Gianella (CH)
Articles: 331
Count of Thanks: 7

Dear colleagues
I'm working on an overview to the several Nanette versions and their characteristics. Therefore I ask you for precise data from existing devices and/or documents.
Interesting are particularly
  • Endings of the type designation L1W22T behind the /, additionally the whole remainder of the identification plate (2nd line, eventually giving the IF and production date)
  • Sequence of designations of the waverange-switch
  • FM range up to MHz?
  • Diode X1 available?
  • R24 available?
  • Transistors in the AF part (T6, T7, T8 if original)
  • The values of C11, C17, C42, C51, R24, R29, R35, R38
  • AM IF (kHz)
  • Print of the rear side of the housing (Made in ...)
Please do not post here but send answers to my email adress: marc.gianella(at)
Thank you in advance for any help!

Kind regards, Marc Gianella

Edit 2007-05-06: Overview uploaded


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10.Apr.07 12:59

Klaus Rohlfing (D)
Articles: 5
Count of Thanks: 7

Dear Marc,
I just got a Philips Nanette which is not working but seems to be in original condition.
First l have some interesting informations for you:
The printing on the identification label is:
A  L1W22T/82
29  460  11  65
The sequence of the waverange-switch is  U - M - L, the FM range seems to end with
104 MHz.
The AF part is made by AC 132, AC 127, AC 125 and the printing at the rear is
I hope I could help you, please contact me for further details.
Klaus Rohlfing

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philips: L1W22T (L 1 W 22 T); Nanette - details 
11.Apr.07 08:19

Henryk Fidos (PL)
Articles: 15
Count of Thanks: 7

Dear Marc,
My Nanette  is not in a good condition but seems to be in original .
The text on the identification label is:
A  L1W22T/71
06  452  12  63
The sequence of the switch is  U - M - L, 88 -104 MHz.
Transistors in the AF part are: AC125 (TS6), AC127 (TS7), AC132 (TS8). 
MADE IN HOLLAND at the rear side.
I will send you photos and further details later.


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