Philips Produktion im WW2

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Philips Produktion im WW2 
03.Jul.07 06:39

Wolfgang Bauer (A)
Beiträge: 2497
Anzahl Danke: 21
Wolfgang Bauer

Es gibt viele ähnliche Geräte von Philips, die ab ca. 1938 bis zum Ende des WW2 in den verschiedensten Philips-Fabriken in Europa gebaut wurden.
Diese Geräte unterscheiden sich teilweise in der Skala, des Netzanschlusses und der Endung bei der Modellbezeichnung.

z.B. ....-14, -26, -29, -30, -32, -HU

Gibt es eine zuverlässige Liste der Philips Produktionsstätten im WW2, denen diese Endungen zugeordnet werden können?

Bei diesem Gerät unten ist es klar, Philips akc. spol., Praha-Hloubetin.
aber nicht immer steht die Fabrik dabei.

MfG. WB.

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11.Jul.07 21:57

Gabriel Toth (CZ)
Beiträge: 128
Anzahl Danke: 31
Gabriel Toth

Dear Mr. Bauer,

I am trying to find the same information. Unfortunately, not too much succesfuly: -13 is for PL -14 for CS, -15 for F. 


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13.Jul.07 20:16

Hans van der Marel (NL)
Beiträge: 4
Anzahl Danke: 27

Herr Bauer,

Im holland sind wier die meinung das die folgenummern nicht sofort etwas sagt uber den produktionsort.

Die buchstabe welche vor dem seriennummer steht is die anfangsbuchstabe der produktionsort.

Die durch Ihnen angegeben folgennummern sind produktionsaenderungen wie geaenderte bauteile und teile wie Sie schon genennt haben. Sie korrespondieren mit schaltbildern und service dokumentation.

Wie in Ihre beispiel gibt der P Praha an. In Holland sehen wir viele typen mit E ( Eindhoven ) und L ( Leuven Belgien ).

Leider ist auch bei uns noch keine komplett liste zu verfuegung mit die verschiedene mogliche folgennummern.



Hans van der Marel


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17.Jul.07 17:57

Wolfgang Bauer (A)
Beiträge: 2497
Anzahl Danke: 31
Wolfgang Bauer

Danke für die Informationen, die leider noch immer keine wesentlichen Klarheiten bringen konnten.

Im englischen Teil dieses Forums ist jetzt auch die Frage nach einem Philips BX 330 A 64 gestellt worden.
Auch hier ist bei der Bezeichnung zusätzlich die "....64", also noch eine zusätzliche Produktionsstätte zu den schon oben erwähnten ....-14, -26, -29, -30, -32, -HU

MfG. WB.

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18.Jul.07 21:10

Ricardo M. Abreu (P)
Beiträge: 61
Anzahl Danke: 34
Ricardo M. Abreu

Dear Herr Bauer,


First of all, sorry for not writing in German, but I am trully unable to do so. Also, I could partially read what you wrote using an automatic translator, so perhaps I missed some points.

I am the owner of the Philips BX330A-64 with the nameplate you posted above. As far as I can understand, the "-64" identifies some kind of variation on the model, not the place it was contructed. The place is probably Leuven due to the "L" on the serial number.

I wrote the following on the model page:

"I am restoring a Philips BX330A. Doing some research about this model, I found there are at least three variants of this model:

- BX330A

- BX330A-64

- BX330A-32

My set is a BX330A-64. The BX330A (without suffix) has three bands (LW, MW and only one SW band) while the BX330A-64 has four bands (LW, MW and two SW bands). The RF section has quite different: the BX330A-64 is much closer to the BX350A (with only minor differences).

We may say, loosely speaking, the BX330A-64 has the RF section of an BX350A and an audio section inherited from the regular BX330. I am reconstructing those schematics and hope to post them here soon.

In the BX330A pictures we can find the two types (just count how many bands are marked on the scale).

I don't know details about the BX330A-32. If someone has one of these units, I would be grateful for some more information."


Moreover, this sets were constructed around 1953 and 1954, a few significant years after WW2.~

Best regards,



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02.Aug.07 19:06

Gabriel Toth (CZ)
Beiträge: 128
Anzahl Danke: 24
Gabriel Toth

Dear Collegues,

I have found some additional info about suffixes.

-HU or -NU: Some older universal AC/DC models had some additional mark: HU for higher voltage (150-250V) and NU for lower voltage (120-150V), caused by no possibility to switch dropping resistors in anode supply.

-B/BB: power supply from storage, 6V or 12V batteries only using vibrator.

-B(S): power supply from storage 6V or 12V batteries only using vibrator. But, the 2V heating voltage is getting directly from batteries using dropping resistor.

-V: power supply from storage 6V or 12V batteries only, but anode voltage is created by different way, vibrator is not used.

-X or -A/X: AC power supply having special option (not included to the shassi) for DC supply possibility too.

-L: Univerzal AC/DC model, but using E series tubes only, filament connected series, not parallel.

-C: DC power supply only.


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Suffixes, power supply and country 
03.Nov.07 22:22

Ernst Erb (CH)
Beiträge: 5747
Anzahl Danke: 29
Ernst Erb

Dear Gabriel
You are quite right with - HU, NU and the other abbreviations for the power supply.
It all depends also on time - and sometimes on region. Philips changed several times the coding system (by growing that much).

Dietrich Ehrhold has just helped via eMail to find out the country of origin (or maybe of destination) for the Philips 626HU.

The separatly written notice "D" seems never to be for Germany but for Denmark!
All HU models he could trace and showed the plate indicate a D - and are believed to be from Denmark. We will have to investigate further and it would be good if someone ctitical would coordinate the job to find out more than I once have written in "Radios von gestern" or on the text for Philips.
Who would like to care for?

We have also this thread running on the subject ...

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Suffixes, power supply and country 
18.Feb.22 23:45
8106 from 10615

Gabriel Toth (CZ)
Beiträge: 128
Anzahl Danke: 13
Gabriel Toth

I spent a bit time to analyze type label coding to make estimation, where the given Philips model was produced  during 1930-1940. The dash number suffix could show country of origin or destination, but usually is showing differences in circuitry. During WW2 hard to make any deeper conclusion, since 1945 Philips started to use different coding system.

RA - Argentina: special unmistakable kind of label

AUS - Australia: label "Radioplayer"

B - Belgium: usually serial number starts with letter "L"

A - Austria: no specialty

CH - Swiss: sometimes we can find label "Nur für Schweiz". On other serial numbers we can find  C, F, K, N and S, but "C" looks like production for any destination, "N" from Netherlands and "S" production from France.

CS - Czechoslovakia: own production probably is only  Pxxxxx Pxx, C and F is license production, R is probably import.

D -Germany: there are various letters in serial number, A, C, D, D in circle, E-E, F, K, S. Axxxxx Axx and D is probably German production, Exxxxxx Exx is probably production in NL for D market, the rest is import.

DK - Denmark: D in circle on the label

E - Spain: label is in Spanish and starts with X.

F - France: on label is written Philips France and usually serial number starts with S, sometimes ending with G.

GB - Great Britain: on label is written Made in England and serial number starts with M

H - Hungary: special design of label and S.N. is in Hungarian - Gy. Sz.

I - Italy: special design of label and in Italian.

N - Norway: N in circle on the label, only one letter N in serial number, text on back wall in Scandinavian language.

NL - Netherlands: sometimes in label is written Philips Holanda or Importe de Hollande. Format of serial numbers is Nxxxxx Nxx, Exxxxx Exx, Nxxxxxx Exx, Kxxxxx Kxx, or it starts with C. Except them I have found A, F, S, but I suppose, they or from different countries like D, F.

PL - Poland: no letters in serial number, special model type coding dash between first and second number.

Main confusion is making letter C, what we can find practically at any model at any country. The rest of them is usually caused by migration of models,

Some additional estimation for dash numbers:

-13, -16, -20, -29, -32, -46, -49 : different IF frequency, f.e. 118kHz, 128kHz, 125k\Hz, 131kHz, 452kHz etc

- 02: IF 104kHz

- 04: IF 115kHz

- 10 output trafo for tropical condition

- 23: different bands or IF 104kHz or different output audio tube

- 25: 25Hz AC supply possible

- 15: tubes from Philips GB

 - 21: designed for NL India

If anybody knows more or has modification proposal, do not hesitate to let us know!

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