Philips TV Tuner History Volume1 1950-1980 released

ID: 645353
Philips TV Tuner History Volume1 1950-1980 released 
03.Jan.24 23:02

Pieter Hooijmans (NL)
Articles: 9
Count of Thanks: 1
Pieter Hooijmans

Dear all,

I am happy to announce that the first volume of my series of books on the history of Philips TV (and VCR, and Satellite) tuners has appeared. It covers the years 1950-1980.

It is based on the stories I have published so far on my site under Technology History, but then extended and completely reviewed and updated.

The book is 275 pages, packed with pictures, schematics, pictures of the TV sets that used the tuners, and special sections with background info on tuner basics. All underlying technologies and key components are described in detail, as well as their organisational structure within Philips. So in the end it is the history of tuners, the technologies used to build them, and the applications that utilised them.

The book can be ordered directly through Lulu printing on demand and has a list price of €45 in Europe.

You can find impressions of the book on my site under here

I hope you find this book interesting, and look forward to any feedback.

Volume2 (1980-2000) is in the making and will appear later this year.

Kind regards,

Pieter Hooijmans

The book is listed in the LiteratureFinder here


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