philips: WR1/P (WR 1/P); (Rudi)

ID: 166000
philips: WR1/P (WR 1/P); (Rudi) 
15.Jun.08 21:52

Viktor Cingel (SK)
Articles: 36
Count of Thanks: 8


I found an interesting Slovak version of "Rudi" - VR1-S. The tubes D..25 were originally in the set, but the found set was in a bad condition. Restoration done partially. To get feeling how this radio performes, a super made on E..21 tubes installed so far. The radio showes an extremelly high sensitivity. All the labels on the front page are in Slovak language.

Has anyone an idea which manufacturer produced this set? Original resistors and condensers made by Siemens. The guys specialising on military sets said, that this set was provided to Slovak troops, during the so called former "Slovak state", cca 1940, to highly positioned Slovak officers.


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