pilot: H-664 Function of the push-buttons ?

ID: 287439
? pilot: H-664 Function of the push-buttons ? 
11.May.12 17:13

Bryce Ringwood (ZA)
Articles: 79
Count of Thanks: 6
Bryce Ringwood

Dear Colleagues,

I have encountered a very gummed-up Pilot H664 with push-buttons that seem to do nothing. The tuning knob rocks up and down to engage a worm-drive, but it also slides in and out - which doesn't seem correct.

I am at this stage somewhat fearful of taking the entire mechanical drive apart.

Can anyone tell me how the tuning is meant to operate ?

Regards - Bryce

PS - I have visions of stripped rack and pinion gears.


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Preset stations 
11.May.12 17:47
8 from 2102

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1097
Count of Thanks: 7

I had a car Radio with mechanical preset stations once. You pulled out a button and tuned normally and then pushed the button in. Then the button in future would "pull" the needle to that position when pushed in.

No doubt the Tuning knob and the preset buttons interact in some manner to change the "preset" position. So some particular operation of the Tuning knob changes the selected Preset button.

It may even be working but not obvious how to change the tuning.

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push button operation 
11.May.12 18:29
15 from 2102

Bill Moore (USA)
Articles: 23
Count of Thanks: 6

I can be of some help.  The main tuning know should be engaged when you press down on it.  When you press on a pushbutton, the main tuning knob is cammed upwards and disengaged.  It will stay like this and you will be able to use the pushbuttons until you cam the main tuning knob down.


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Thanks for the help 
11.May.12 19:05
25 from 2102

Bryce Ringwood (ZA)
Articles: 79
Count of Thanks: 7
Bryce Ringwood


Thank you for the assistance. From your description, the tuning knob shaft should merely go up and down (not in and out, as on this set). Looks like I have some work to do!

Regards - Bryce

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Not sure 
11.May.12 19:35
32 from 2102

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1097
Count of Thanks: 5

I read Bill's description as it doing both.

press a button and Tuning knob moves up

To manually tune push the Tuning knob back down

The in/out may be to change the station a button is tuned to? Perhaps Bill will be back.

I'd love to see some pictures of insides and the mechanism before you take anything apart! It helps when puttiing it back together :)

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in out 
11.May.12 21:01
43 from 2102

Bill Moore (USA)
Articles: 23
Count of Thanks: 5

i am not aware of this function but will investigate

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Tuning Mechanism 
12.May.12 09:58
58 from 2102

Bryce Ringwood (ZA)
Articles: 79
Count of Thanks: 7
Bryce Ringwood

That in-out feature must surely be wrong, because it prevents the worm-drive engaging. The whole works are very gummed-up. Unfortunately the Johannesburg air contains minute particles of mine sand (although nothing like as bad as it used to be) and this seems to cause quite a few mechanical problems when it gets into gears and bushings. This set must be 70 years old.

I will take photos of the mechanism - as you say, its very wise when dealing with the unfamiliar.

Thank you all for your help so far.


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