pioneer: VSX-521S; Stereo Audio/Video Receiver

ID: 329830
pioneer: VSX-521S; Stereo Audio/Video Receiver 
21.Sep.13 12:59

Vincent de Franco (D)
Articles: 193
Count of Thanks: 12
Vincent de Franco

We have received a request through the contact page for the user's manual of this receiver. 

If a member of Radiomuseum has this document as PDF, it would be great. Just contact me either directly or through admin-fr (AT)

Thank you in advance...

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Schaltungsdienst Lange 
21.Sep.13 13:42
7 from 2924

Georg Richter (D)
Articles: 916
Count of Thanks: 9
Georg Richter

Digital reprints of the original documents are available from Schaltungsdienst Lange:

Document Model Language Order no.
Instruction manual VSX521S GB,F,D,I 1129001
Instruction manual VSX521S NL,SW,E,P 1129000
Service manual VSX521S+VSX501   1131855

Just to prevent members from the labour of scanning and improvement for making a PDF of similar quality as the reprints..

Be careful - Pioneer has an actual model of same name but without  suffix S.

Best Regards


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Thank you Georg 
21.Sep.13 14:07
11 from 2924

Vincent de Franco (D)
Articles: 193
Count of Thanks: 5
Vincent de Franco

Indeed, I had found the actual model on the Pioneer page, but was not at all matching the one we have in our database.

Thank you for the link, I will provide the information to our visitor.

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