bush: PP9 battery converter
bush: PP9 battery converter
Having problems getting PP9 batteries I have like others had to find a way around the problem this is very simple to make, using a old PP3 and hot glueing and soilering it to a dismanteled dead PP9 an easy fix.
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bush: PP9 battery converter
I can't see your photo clearly, tiny.
Certainly supply of PP9 is erratic. I make a card case from cereal carton and double sided sponge sticky tape for two 3 way AA holders, or one 4 way and a 2 way. The connectors can be readily bought. I use paper glue stick to affix the printout of the old case to the card.
I've made some in the plastic cases of PP9 from Halfords and B&Q when exhausted by removing the bottom and insides. I've found the rivets fail on the connectors. The bought connectors are better, though obviously the black and red wires are wrong. I remove the plastic sleeve and reverse the wires.
I've a colour laser printer. Ink jet printout needs a plastic film or varnish.
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