radione: ER2; with BFO
ID: 63441
This article refers to the model: ER2 (6V) (R2) 7 tubes (Radione (RADIO Nikolaus Eltz); Wien)
radione: ER2; with BFO
28.Aug.05 13:37
Jean-Pierre Simonetti (F)
Count of Thanks: 8
Count of Thanks: 8
It seems that modell was fitted with BFO (beat frequency oscillator)by the second vaccum tube EBC11 and corresponding HF coil, in order to work in telegraphia.
One of them was sold on Ebay recently (August 2005) more than 1000 Euros !
One of them was sold on Ebay recently (August 2005) more than 1000 Euros !
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