radiotehni: 103; 50 Years USSR - 50 ЛЕТ СССР
radiotehni: 103; 50 Years USSR - 50 ЛЕТ СССР

Information about this specific radio, with the serial number: 307511.
This radio belonged to Dr. Mario Neves, who was a well known portuguese reporter and member of the governing body after the Portuguese revolution in 1974.
Dr. Mario Neves was the first Portuguese embassador in USSR in 1975 and the radio was ofefred to him by the staff of the USSR Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Later Dr. Mario Neves retruned to Portugal and kept the radio stored for years. After his death most of his vast assets was donated to public institutions, but a smaller part was sold, like this radio.
All the photos published here belongs to the same radio.
The grandson of Dr. Mario Neves asked his friend Joao Pinto ("lisbonfriend" of eBay) to to put the radio for sale on eBay, but it was not sold. One year later the radio was for sale in a local Portuguese site and I bought it.
That's the story of this specific radio.
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