rca:  ; 5X

ID: 183925
This article refers to the model: 5X (RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New York (NY))

rca:  ; 5X 
18.Feb.09 17:01

Alfred Pugliese (USA)
Articles: 112
Count of Thanks: 8

Hello to all....I just completed restoration of this set.  I received it without AC cord, and with only one dial light. This set uses a 130ohm resistor line cord ( curtain burner) First, I replaced all caps. Removed electro multi cap from top of chassis, replaced those with 3 under chassis. I then used a 25 watt 130 ohm resistor for line cord. I mounted it where the mentioned removed electro was. I connected wires from 25z5 through the hole to top of chassis. Used an old tube shield to mount my resistor on and set it on clamp, my old electro was. This resistor gets hot, so the tube shield acts as a heat sink. I then added a socket and bulb, to the camohm resistor mounted on chassis. Each dial light works independent of the other depending on what band is tuned bc/sw. The set works well. Anyone who comes across this RCA 5X , I would be willing to help......AL

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