rca: The RCA chassis RC-1202 including suffixes

ID: 253873
rca: The RCA chassis RC-1202 including suffixes 
11.May.11 16:51

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5749
Count of Thanks: 7
Ernst Erb

The RCA chassis RC-1202 with many suffixes.

This thread is for being able to tell about them at ONE place and link this to the models concerned. At the moment we show the following suffixes:
A, B, C, E, F, L, M, N, a familiy with K, P, R and T, models with U or W and with AA, AB, AC, AD, AE, AF, AH. There are probably more.

The most important:
The model creators have sometimes misinterpreted the information on the schematics. I deal with that for the following models - and hope others will follow and clear further models including to link them to here. This is then the information that the problem has been solved. I deal with the suffixes A, B, C and E only - which represent in fact 20 different models:

Beitman R-21 from 1961 brings the same schematic for 1-X-1 Series, 1-X-3 Series and 1-X-4 Series with Chassis No. RC-1202A, RC-1202B and Chassis No. RC-1202C. Photofact folder date Nov. 1961, set 554, folder 10 shows the following model series with the same schematic:

1C1E, 1C2EM, 1C2FE, 1C2JE for Chassis RC-1202E (has an other tuning capacitor)
1X1E, 1X1F, 1X1H, 1X1K for Chassis RC-1202A
1X2E (picture), 1X2FE, 1X2JE, 1X2LE with Chassis RC-1202A
1X3E, 1X3EH, 1X3FE, 1X3KE with Chassis RC-1202B   and
1X4E, 1X4EJ, 1X4HE, 1X4JM with Chassis RC-1202C.

The manufacturer is RCA Victor Radio & "Victrola" Div., Radio Corp. of America, Camden 8, NJ.
They are small AC operated 5 tube AM receivers and
models of the 1C-series include electric clock.

Power supply is 110-120 Volts AC, 60 cycles, rating is 19 watts and tuning range is 540 to 1600 kc. The drive cord stringing is for models 1X3 and 1X4 only. There are 20 different cabinets (incl. colors), all with an oval loudspeaker of 3 x 5 inch.

For the start we keep it simple by naming the generic models without suffix and adding the suffixes for a given chassis. But when we know more about the suffixes (presumably the different colors), we will add the models for the different pictures in color.

To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.

RCA Models using chassis RC-1202 
15.Jul.13 00:00
453 from 3141

John Kusching (USA)
Articles: 31
Count of Thanks: 6
John Kusching

RCA has 2 datasheets that cover the models that use the RC-1202 chassis.  These datasheets are RCA Datasheet "1960 No. 22", dated 3-27-61 and RCA Datasheet "1960 No. 18", dated 8-26-60.  These datasheets are uploaded to all the applicable models.  The 1960 No. 18 datasheet was the first datasheet and it contains the schematic, alignment information and other details.  The 1960 No. 22 datasheet was published 9 months later and is a simple 2 page addendum which lists the additional models added to production (along with the minor differences with these new models) but refers back to the 1960 No 18 datasheet for the technical details.

Here I list all models in the two RCA datasheets that use the RC-1202 chassis:





Chassis Cabinet Color Clock RCA Datasheet
1-X-1 1-X-1E RC-1202A Shell White No 1960 No. 22
1-X-1 1-X-1F RC-1202A Pink No 1960 No. 22
1-X-1 1-X-1H RC-1202A Turquoise No 1960 No. 22
1-X-1 1-X-1K RC-1202A Honey Beige No 1960 No. 22
1-X-2 1-X-2E RC-1202A White and White No 1960 No. 18
1-X-2 1-X-2FE RC-1202A Pink and White No 1960 No. 18
1-X-2 1-X-2JE RC-1202A Charcoal and White No 1960 No. 18
1-X-2 1-X-2LE RC-1202A Blue and White No 1960 No. 18
1-X-3 1-X-3E RC-1202B White and White No 1960 No. 18
1-X-3 1-X-3FE RC-1202B Vermillion and White No 1960 No. 18
1-X-3 1-X-3EH RC-1202B White and Green No 1960 No. 18
1-X-3 1-X-3KE RC-1202B Beige and White No 1960 No. 18
1-X-4 1-X-4E RC-1202C White and White No 1960 No. 18
1-X-4 1-X-4EJ RC-1202C White and Charcoal No 1960 No. 18
1-X-4 1-X-4HE RC-1202C Turquoise and White No 1960 No. 18
1-X-4 1-X-4JM RC-1202C Gray and Yellow No 1960 No. 18
1-C-1 1-C-1E RC-1202E Shell White Yes 1960 No. 22
1-C-2 1-C-2EM RC-1202E Shell White and Nugget Yes 1960 No. 22
1-C-2 1-C-2FE RC-1202E Bonbon Pink and Shell White Yes 1960 No. 22
1-C-2 1-C-2JE RC-1202E Charcoal and Shell White Yes 1960 No. 22

The cabinets are in two sections, with the front being one section and the remaining top, sides, bottom and back being the other section.  These two sections can have the same color or different colors.  In the tables, there is only one color listed if both sections have the same color.  If the colors are different, the first color listed is the color of the front panel.  The last two digits in the radio model number identify the color, with the first digit identifying the front panel color and the second digit identifying the remaining cabinet color.  Here is the cabinet color breakdown:

E - White or Shell White
F - Pink, Bonbon Pink or Vermillion
H - Turquoise, Cactus Green or Green
J - Charcoal or Gray
K - Honey Beige, Nutmeg or Beige
L - Blue
M - Nugget or Yellow

Since this information is now known, I have updated the existing model pages to make them individual model pages and then created the remaining individual model pages per the RCA datasheets.  All these model pages now have the RCA datasheets, the Beitman datsheet and the Sams Photofact datasheets.  We now need actual pictures for each of these models.

To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.