Recycling of vintage paper capacitors.
Recycling of vintage paper capacitors.
capacitors. If you are a real afficionado you want a direct original replacement, which usually
is quite unobtainable. And if you against all odds should find them, they are most likely to be
just as leaky as the ones you want to replace. So what do you do? Put in a "poly--something-
capacitor"? Disgusting!! However, there might be another way out.
Consider the question: Why does a paper capacitor leak? And also: Why does a paper capacitor
sometimes behave as a battery of a few tenths of a volt. The explanation close at hand is that
it has got something to do with electrolytic action and that the electrolyte is moisture (water)
that through the years has penetrated the exterior seal and has entered the paper insulating layers. So, let`s set the process in reverse to solve our problem. This is most readily done by
heatig the capacitor in molten paraffin wax at a temperature well above 100 degrees centigrade.
The initial strong boiling will after some time subside and eventually stop. Now, set the wax-pot
aside for coolig with the capacitors in the wax until just before the wax solidifies. Then, take the capacitors out and let them cool to room temperature. Now, make a leakage test with a 100
megOhm ohm-meter. Also, make a test at a voltage at least as high as the working voltage
stamped on the capacitor. Criterion for renewed service: no appearent leakage. The specimen
fit for service will then have their ends sealed with wax - use a clean soldering iron- and may be
given a little cosmetic touch. Then solder them back into the circuit and: Power UP!
Some capacitors will not pass this test. One reason for this can be that the insulating paper
has suffered unrepairable damage by corrotion of the metal film in the stack. Walter Knutsen.
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I am sure that everyone is a aware that you can apply first slight and then increasing voltage to make an electrolytic capacitor work again (called reforming), but the question is, for how long?
Same goes for the paper capacitors.
Personally, I feel much more confident in radio servicing when I replace leaky unreliable paper capacitors with new mylar caps, a long with all the electrolytics.
My philosophy is to enjoy your table radio all the time, than allow it to eventually crash and burn, by keeping old components!
Would you try to use the original tires, belts, spark plugs, filters, gaskets, and motor oil on a Mercedes Gull Wing?
In old paper capacitors, I strongly doubt that acid free paper was used.
On radios, pre 1950, I usually prefer to stuff the large old paper capacitors with new mylar caps, and hide the lytics inside.
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I agree with Omer! I think it is rather better to refurbish an old capacitor by taking out the old stuff and putting in a modern one than to rely on old leaky "bombs". As Omer said, the question is how long is it lasting? For me it is more important to have a reliable radio, rather more than an electrical risk!
Kind regards
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As scanning of round capacitors is a little bit difficult - and the size will not fit in most cases with the size of the new smaller c's, I prefer to redesign the old labels. I use Photoshop and try to find similar fonts. Then I print them out on self adhesive labels. Top and bottom get a black painting, CD-marker like Edding 8400 do a great job.
I just worked on a German "Saba" "Freiburg 100" radio and changed 27 paper-capacitors. The labels will fit on those yellow caps, you can get at . May be, they are usefully for someone.
Easter greetings from Germany
Martin Renz
to be printed with 300 dpi
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Is there a chance that we can have a special portion to this site for adding and downloading such material?
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In most cases, however, the paper label of the old capacitor peels off very easily and can be used as suggested by Martin.
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Labels - BB caps
If have scanned labels for BB (French?) capacitors but the uploader rejects files larger than 200kB.
So if anyone needs these, send me an email and I'll gladly send them to You.
Dejan (
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Replication of condensers
For my Philco 38-12, i "make" some capacitors.
Only one is original.
See this pictures
Best regards
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