Russian tube manual

ID: 187975
Russian tube manual 
17.Apr.09 07:23

Joe Sousa (USA)
Articles: 673
Count of Thanks: 50
Joe Sousa

There is an excellent quality scan of a 1962 tube manual at

The entire manual is 300 pages, but only 5.9MB in djvu format.

The book contains text essays on tube technology, and a long collection of data sheets that are not available at RM.

If you paste the link above into google-translate, you will see a descriptive table of contents in your preferred language, and you can download selected pages.

If you want all 300 pages in the manual, you don't have to do 300 downloads, as is the practice here at RM. You can get all 300 pages in a single free download.

The scans are so good, that perhaps OCR software could be used to prepare an automated translation.



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