saba: 9; Freudenstadt Taste-drücken Problem

ID: 241449
Dieser Artikel betrifft das Modell: Freudenstadt 9 (SABA; Villingen)

? saba: 9; Freudenstadt Taste-drücken Problem 
04.Jan.11 13:34

Bob Isaac (USA)
Beiträge: 107
Anzahl Danke: 7
Bob Isaac

Hallo Radio-Freunde,
  Erstens, bitte entschuldigen Sie meine schreckliche Deutsch.

Zweitens kann mir jemand helfen, mit der Druckknopf-Mechanismus von diesem Radio? Als ich die TA-Taste drücken, sperrt ihn in Position und nicht ausrasten, wenn ich irgend eine andere Taste drücken. Ich kann nicht sehen, wo das Problem liegt.
Hat jemand einen Vorschlag?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Bob Isaac


(In case my German is so bad that no one can understand what I am asking, here it is in English:)

Hello radio Friends,

 Perahpas someone can help me?  Whenever I push the TA button on this radio, it locks into place and does not disengage when whenever I push another button. I have to work it up-and-down until it will finally release.  I cannot see where the problem is.

Does anyone have a suggestion about how I should go about finding and correcting the problem?

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broken Spring? 
04.Jan.11 17:08
53 from 3227

Henning Oelkers (D)
Beiträge: 580
Anzahl Danke: 7
Henning Oelkers

Hi, Bob,

i start in English, as i think it's best for You...

All Buttons are Spring loaded, and except for the UKW/FM Button, all the others schould have springs of the same force.

You will need to find out the following: Is the resistance from that spring equal between TA, MW, LW?

If not, the Spring may be broken.

If Yes, do You think it is just a Question of releasing the Button? If as soon as the Button moves, it pops out like all the others, it is likely a mechanical problem with the release bar.

Last possible cause of that problem may be a sticky Contact slider. The only chance to find out is, to get access to that mechanism.

With these Saba Radios it is some time consuming work, but fairly easy to do. Taking pictures while disassembling is always a good idea.

This is what You need to do: Remove the Chassis from the Cabinet. MAybe there is a connector for the speaker, otherwise unsolder the speaker wires. Then remove the knobs from the front ( tuning and volume ), then find the upper holders for the dial glass. Remove Dial Glass( take care not to break it!! )( maybe You need to remove the lower Bar as well ) , behind the Dial glass there schould be a cover, held with 2 screws. Remove this cover, and You will have acess to the Pushbutton mechanics. You will see the release bar, and the little spring on the right hand side. 

look for anything, that may cause the problem. 

Hope this helps,


BR Henning

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Missing Spring 
05.Jan.11 19:38
256 from 3227

Bob Isaac (USA)
Beiträge: 107
Anzahl Danke: 6
Bob Isaac

Hello Henning,

Thank you for the very useful reply.  You're first assumption was correct, the spring was missing from the TA lever.  Fortunately, I have a junk chassis I was able to take a spring off of and install it on this chassis.

And now the TA switch engages and disengages as it should.  However, I was still having a problem switching between UKW and the shortwave bands.  I removed the small covers from the outside of the plastic barrel (in the photo below) that shifts the dial srings from the upper red dial needle to the lower one, and I found that the metal clamp in the center of this mechanism is broken into two peices.  A friend of mine in Spain has a junker chassis from a Freudenstadt 8 that he is sending me, I think that they are the same.  At least I am really hoping they are the same!!

(correction:  my friend's part is broken as well!!   Time to scour Ebay...)


Thank you again for sending me the information, it was a big help.

Kind Regards,


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