sarapoul: Orljonok (Orlionok) - Орлёнок (Орленок)
ID: 336683
This article refers to the model: Orljonok (Orlionok) - Орлёнок (Орленок) (Sarapoul Orjonikidze Radio Works)
sarapoul: Orljonok (Orlionok) - Орлёнок (Орленок)
17.Dec.13 15:25
On one of my radio the sound was changing higher or lower when the set was on it's face or on it's back.Finally I found that the problem was in the firts IF transformer.The cause: a free part of ferroxcube inside.Happily I have 3 Orljonocs for parts,after replacement of the first IF the radio work properly.
The link show this radio working on LW and MW with it's original batteries (1967!)
I have 2 pairs of batteries I have regenerated by charges and discharges.On the original charging block I have replaced the caps and it do a very good job with the batteries.
Note: I have 5 Orljonocs (2 in working order),all five have no output transformer (only driver)
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