Schemas pour MIRE GRUNDIG FG21

ID: 260209
? Schemas pour MIRE GRUNDIG FG21 
28.Jul.11 10:14

Claude Spathopoulos (B)
Articles: 7
Remerciements: 12


J'ai récupérer une mire pas très nouvelle de la marque GRUNDIG le type est FG21.

Je cherche depuis pas mal de temps pour obtenir le service manuel mais sans résultat.

Si parmi vous une personne aurais la doc ou qu'il puisse me dire comment je peux faire pour avoir même une copie je suis preneur.

D'avance un grand merci a tous. 

Pièces jointes:

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29.Jul.11 21:54
73 from 5848

Claude Spathopoulos (B)
Articles: 7
Remerciements: 12

Je reviend a la charge pas d'idee pour trouver cette doc.

Merci d'avance

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Better chance 
04.Aug.11 09:26
139 from 5848

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Remerciements: 12
Ernst Erb

Dear Claude
With this question you have not much chance:
You have the model in front of you but don't even load up pictures to the model - which show that you are interested in an exchange of data and pictures etc. Please think that over. RMorg would not even exist if we would only have members who want information but don't share information. Your counter shows twice a ZERO!
Please: When you upload you should use 933 pixels (wide) as size!

If you consider to upload pictures, then please read first in the link FAQ - the HOWTO article about pictures and schematics. You might have to change the flag to English to find more help texts since the French speaking community here is not translating articles as often than the English speaking community ...

After you have shown interest in our activity, you might as well better just go "mouse-over" at "Mon modèle" and click "J'ai besoin du schéma". This would be the right way anyway - if you have "numbers" by having done something for others here ...


Sorry, it would take me much more time in French to write this ...


Now I just see that you entered as a free member on July 27th. Therefore even if there would be a schematic, you could only get it after having uploaded about a dozen big sized and well done pictures to different models ... This has been told.


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04.Aug.11 13:49
160 from 5848

Claude Spathopoulos (B)
Articles: 7
Remerciements: 11

I understood more or less said to me is that I can do to please you.
I am new to your site and I know many a walking track.
You wish that I send pictures of the equipment I own and then a list of patterns I have in the original version.
I ask to help others.
When the fact that I received for free I thank you in advance but I do well again.
I await your explanations and advice.
Thank you in advance.

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