reliance: SET REVIEW

ID: 556140
reliance: SET REVIEW 
06.Jun.21 05:21

Gary Cowans (AUS)
Articles: 106
Count of Thanks: 2
Gary Cowans


The Reliance-York 9 Valve Superheterodyne

RADIO sets, of normal performance abound in all shapes and sizes, but few manufacturers care to go to the expense and trouble of providing a receiver which is intended for sale-to the few individuals who can appreciate real tonal fidelity. And the sale of such a receiver is full of difficulties. In the first place the cost is comparatively high because of the high grade components which, are required for the construction of such a receiver, and then there is the difficulty that the buyer who would purchase this type of set is usually a very keen musical critic, and hard to please. In the Reliance-York, the Reliance organisation have produced a receiver which meets the requirements of this class of buyer.

A sample of this 9-valve Reliance York was recently submitted to us for test, and we were quite unable to fault it. The fidelity of the receiver is of a high order. It combines depth of tone and definition and retains its clarity even when the set is turned down to a very low volume. When

opened up the undistorted output is ample. With a set of such fidelity, it is important that a careful selection should be made when tuning into the various stations. The transmission of certain Sydney stations is not of a very high order, and the Reliance-York definitely reveals these deficiencies. When tuned to the better stations, however, it brings out all their higher qualities. A special circuit is provided in the chassis for the playing of phone records through a Pick-Up.


The chassis is a most impressive job, with the nine valves laid out in orderly fashion, and with a 4-gang, tuning unit. This unit provides a pre-selector stage as well as an R.F. stage, thereby eliminating every trace of second spot trouble, and heterodyne whistles. Four electrolytic condensers are fitted in order to remove every trace of hum, and this is very necessary in a set with the genuine ability to reproduce low notes. Normally the chassis is sealed, up so that the components cannot be tampered with by anyone but the manufacturers, but we were privileged to see the “works,” and found everything of the very best quality, including such an item as a “Ferranti” push-pull audio transformer. This part alone costs over £4. Tested out on the air, the receiver put up an excellent performance in both sensitivity and selectivity. On turning over the dial it was quite an easy matter to log practically all of the available stations on the air without any sign of overlapping. We were rather impressed with the extreme range, without background noises, whistles, etc., and the receiver therefore should be an excellent proposition for country reception.


The equipment is also of the best quality, including Radiotron valves, and Jensen D 8 special concert model speaker, of the 10½ inch type. The standard cabinet is a massive console, of attractive design, and it is apparent that considerable attention has been paid to the design of this console with a view to making it acoustically correct.


By a policy of “Direct from Manufacturer to Buyer,” the price at which this receiver is available to the public is kept reasonably low. The actual model tested by us is available in its complete form for £46/13/4.

Extracted from the Wireless Weekly, December 8, 1933, Page 29.

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