Setchell Carlson, model unknow!

ID: 56399
Setchell Carlson, model unknow! 
29.Jun.05 22:28

Vitor Oliveira (P)
Articles: 71
Count of Thanks: 5
Vitor Oliveira

Hello dear collectors and radio friends,

I try to find the model of this beautiful Setchell Carlson:

I need to find also a picture to find the model of the missing knobs and the schematics to find the missing tubes!

Thanks in advance for any help!

all the best,


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Any tubes known? 
25.Aug.05 23:24

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5747
Count of Thanks: 5
Ernst Erb

Dear Vitor
It might be better to put in a model unknown to the maker and to give the tubes which you know, frequencies, measurements, power etc.
The chance is then much better to get an answer.

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20.Sep.05 23:42

Vitor Oliveira (P)
Articles: 71
Count of Thanks: 3
Vitor Oliveira


Thanks for try help me.
The Setchell Carlson have 5 tubes (4 tubes with 8 pin and one with 6 pin) and I have only 2 (one IC7G, maybe 1C7G?!, and one 1J6G), I cannot read very well the numbers... so I need to know the other 3 tubes missing.
The radio is battery powered, you can see in the photos the plugs.
I send here some scanner photos:

I hope this help to identify the model of this radio!

Thank you very much for your time and help,

all the best,


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Setchell Carlson 
21.Sep.05 16:55

Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014 (D)
Articles: 2333
Count of Thanks: 5
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

My best educated guess:

The only trace I found could be either a 23 or a 63 of 1939 in Slusser: Collectors Guide to Antique Radios. Battery tombstone.

A possible tube complement using 2volt tubes could be:

1N5   RF stage
1C7G   oscillator/mixer
1N5 or 1E5   IF stage
1F6   demod and 1st AF (6 pins)
1J6G   2nd AF (push pull)


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21.Sep.05 22:35

Vitor Oliveira (P)
Articles: 71
Count of Thanks: 3
Vitor Oliveira

Thank you very much Mr. Kobi,

My time now is collect the most information I can find to identify the model and buy the tubes missing, and later I try to identify the model of the knobs too (that are missing, and I no idea of the shape)... and finally try to test this beautiful radio, but is other problem for me: I not know how I can do it!! Can you help me please?

all the best,


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